Help Connection not safe from PC

Hello, it’s been around a week since I can no longer access E4 from my pc because it says “unable to reach the site” “ERR_CONNECTION_RESET” and that my connection to efour isn’t safe.

Located in Italy, has anyone else had this problem? At first I thought E4 was down but yesterday I tried form my phone through Tapatalk and everything seems fine ç.ç

Jup same, a thread a few days ago was made and they said that proboards was classified as malware. I hope it is fixed soon, Efour on the phone is harder to use imo

Try downloading tapatalk. Apparently that worked for some people with the issue. Tapatalk is all I use for mobile.

Can confirm that it’s happened on my PC as well.

Yes, happened for me as well. I added the website as an exception to my antivirus program. But I still have to confirm each time I click on a new page on the forum. Quite annoying

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