Has anyone attended/have memories from going to Pokémon events as a kid?

Newer member here. I was curious as to everyone’s highlights of their childhood engagement with the hobby. Did y’all go to any tournaments, sanctioned Pokémon events, trade shows/expos, etc? And what are your memories from those? Just curious to hear the stories.

I myself went to an event called Pokémon Rocks America in 2004 at the Lenox Mall in Atlanta, GA. It was really cool and I actually ended up buying my LeafGreen version from that event. Did anybody else go that or attend at a different location?

Excited to hear the stories! :slight_smile:


Did you get the Lugia?

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One time a kid got his Charizards stolen at a League event and he was so upset he threw up, which caused a chain reaction of two additional kids throwing up.


:joy::joy: haha wow that’s crazy

I sadly do not remember :frowning: If I did, it’s with my childhood collection that got sold by my parents years ago :sob:

oooof darn. When I discovered the Lugia I thought it was so neat. How was the event being there?

Yes! I first went to weekly Pokemon League starting in Summer 2000. I went with my twin cousins and both of their parents. They were all big into the card game.

I remember using Pokemon TCG for Gameboy for solo practice/training on the off days. Such a fun game. Though, I admit I was quite a novice at that time! :joy:

In 2001 I moved to a new neighborhood. One of my neighbors was quite a bit more experienced at the TCG. He helped me improve my deck and develop real strategies. We started going to a new League together, at an official Wizards of the Coast store at the Mall of America.

I won many tournaments at that league in the Neo era using a Typhlosion & Magcargo deck. I remember winning Neo Discovery, Revelation, and Destiny packs as tournament prizes, and pulling several of the shinies. :slightly_smiling_face:

This culminated in my participation in a 2002 Regional Tournament. I did not win, and neither did my neighborhood friend, but I remember he still went to Worlds 2002 anyway for the experience.

He came back from Worlds 2002 with some cool cards he got in trades while he was there. One of them was the 1st Edition Ivy Pikachu Error (or Jungle Secret Rare, depending on your perspective). I managed to buy it from him for $20, and it graded a PSA 9 a few years ago. It is one of my most prized cards in my collection.

I kept going to the WOTC store for League all the way up until early EX in 2003, when they stopped hosting it. Unfortunately that was the last time I participated in an event, but I am thinking about getting back into organized play at some point in the future.

Here is a picture of me from the middle of that era, in 2001.


I’ll elaborate on the story a little. It’s a dramatic tale.

Back in peak Pokémania, the childhood ethics were highly questionable. At least in my school district, and I know this to be true in many other places as well, having desirable Pokémon cards made you both popular and a target. You could not let your cards out of your sight or you would lose them from some pilfering sneak thief who got in and out without a trace. Once a card got out of someone’s binder and in to yours, who is to say it wasn’t always yours? Parents didn’t know any better. The language of Pokémon was incomprehensible. Pokémon made kids in to little gangsters.

There was one boy in my school, who I will call Samuel, who had incredible luck and equal acuity when it came to obtaining Pokémon cards. He had four Charizards. This was an unbelievable feat - nobody had four Charizards. Most people did not even have one Charizard. People looked upon him with incredible envy and resentment, but also could not resist the opportunity to gaze upon such unlikelihood manifest. He brought his cards with him everywhere to daze any onlooker who requested audience with his cards.

We were at a League event and I had already resolved to steal one of his Charizards. I was convinced that I would never obtain one any other way. He had four of them. He could afford to lose one. The toy store did not have a formal event area and kids mostly just hung around in the corner of the store, sitting on the floor around displays and shelving. It provided a lot of surfaces of varying height and a lot of cover. It was a great opportunity to steal from your fellow children.

But I was so nervous. I was terrified of getting caught. I just kept casing the joint, watching Samuel and where he placed his binder and when his attention was taken. I’d look over my shoulder, watch as people came and went - especially adults. I spent what felt like hours psyching myself up - but it was probably like 20 minutes. Little kid time is different.

Anyway, all of a sudden the regular murmur of kids in play is broken by the sound of Samuel shouting. Someone had stolen his Charizards - and it wasn’t even me. He started by asking people around him who took it as if someone would know or confess, and as people shook their heads and backed away from the increasingly hysterical child he stopped being able to form words. His arms just went slack and he let his binder hang upside down in his hands as cards started to empty out of the sleeves onto the floor. He was crying so hard he could not speak or breathe.

A store employee and the store manager came to scene and demanded whoever took the cards to fess up. They lectured about honesty, about all being here to have fun, and the importance of trust. Nobody moved. Nobody said anything at all. They said if whoever stole the cards didn’t come forward, they would not host the League at all anymore. Again, nobody spoke up. I remember feeling extremely scared and guilty that I was going to be in trouble even though I wasn’t the one who did it. I worried that just the intention of wrongdoing, which was locked away in my mind, would somehow surface and I’d be pegged for what happened.

Tension was really, really high. You could tell everybody was scared and upset. Someone else suddenly spoke up and said they were missing cards too. This made everyone afraid they had been robbed and the attention started to shift from Samuel entirely as people investigated their own binders and decks to make sure they hadn’t lost anything. Some kids still stayed frozen in place waiting to hear what kind of trouble they were in.

After another minute or so the manager resigned to the fact nobody was going to confess and just told Samuel they were sorry. Samuel started sobbing and hyperventilating and then, very abruptly, threw up all over himself and his cards on the floor. This caused everyone to react in shock, and another kid with a weak stomach threw up in response. Someone else, apparently too overwhelmed by the chaos, followed suit. It was unbelievable.

As kids emptied out of the store and parents started showing up to intervene, the store manager told Samuel how sorry they were and gave him a bunch of booster packs on the house. He tearfully opened the packs and, sure enough, pulled another Charizard. In that moment, I never hated anyone more.


Nice topic! ToysRus was a big one for me. Everyone would go there on Saturday. The entire front of the store would be packed with kids showing each other their binders.
That is where I discovered Southern Island, Ancient Mew, and also received my first promo card, Ivy Pikachu.

The experiences are what its all about! I’ve sold plenty of higher graded examples of cards over the years because they lacked a connection. I also love hearing peoples experiences with Pokemon when they were younger. It adds a layer to events or cards that I otherwise had no prior attachment. Also I gotta mention @jaymanfu! He mentioned he played the tcg and was featured in a few magazine, so I ended up buying them! :sweat_smile:


This is going to be very UK specific, but I recently picked up this vintage flyer. Might trigger some memories for some people. They held trade meetings and league events quite a lot back in the original days. RIP Woolworths.


I only have one memory from a tcg-related event. I got my first Base Charizard because of one. A lot of people in my local LGS due to a tournament, I got talking with a guy, we shared binders and then got into trade talk.

I had to give up 5 holos or something but in the end I managed to convince him. Think I gave him a typhlosion 18, another 1-2 semi good ones and a Ninetales and Hitmonchan (theme deck fodder so those were easy to give up.)


Just wow… this story is amazing! Very well told, you have a knack for story-telling! I can feel the way that you were processing information, definitely has that I’m a kid who’s not bad doing a bad thing kind of vibe :sweat_smile:


Oh man one of my fondest memories is going down to the local card shop were all our friends would go every Sunday to play in the Pokemon tournament. While I have lost my original tournament book from when I was young, I was able to find an new old stock as well as unused TM stickers that were given out after reaching certain milestones. I’m still on the lookout for the original pokemon stamp used for the books to indicate your progress.


I looove this old League stuff. It was tough but I assembled “complete” paperwork from these seasons. I never properly participated in this stuff at the proper age so I am really drawn to it now.

I have some extras of some of these things if you’re in need. Nice to see someone else who like them.


Love it! Man so many great memories attributed to these items. Looking to find a decent priced


There are a couple up on ebay that I may end up pulling the trigger on. Awesome collection my friend.


The only thing irritating about the stamps is the open ones are usually dried up, which is perhaps inevitable with their age, but it’s hard to get excited about buying a crusty old stamp with no life left in it.

For that reason I prefer the unopened ones so I can cling to ignorance with respect to its health. But either way, I watch them come and go a lot because it’s something I want cheap.

I went to several events at the old NY Pokémon Center. I used to beg my mom constantly to go. It was around a 45 minute train ride from our house. Some of my memories; I was pretty young so they have blended together a bit

  • The Chansey being on promo card at opening week
  • In line at all the events there were opportunities to win prizes if you got called on by the MC. There were long lines stretching around the block.
  • emerald video game release party, there was a Pikachu car filled with Pikachu plush and whoever could guess the closest to the amount of Pikachu won a prize
  • Release of Ruby & Sapphire (either tcg or video game can’t remember) my mom said I could buy one booster pack and instead of getting a ruby and sapphire I got Neo discovery and pulled non holo poliwrath rip. It was the only place that had blister packs of every single set and Neo discovery I don’t think I had ever gotten to open before.
  • the event where it turned into Nintendo World, by this time I was a savvy enough collector to not only keep my pichu promo in mint condition but also trade for my friend’s promos! My chansey promo is in rough shape comparatively.
  • there was an event for FRLG where I bought a charmeleon theme deck and was furious pidgeot was the theme deck holo instead of charizard.

No Pokémon events but I do remember my mom buying me Pokémon red with a game boy. No color just a regular game boy. It’s a really fond memory and I know she saw how happy it made me. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


This has to be my favorite read of the day. Samuel seems like the absolute worst.

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Didn’t live in the US or Japan when Pokémon came out, so I attended some very limited events. The first was when a Jungle Bellsprout variant that did 100 damage with Vine Whip was revealed…and the second was when I looked closely and realized the last “0” had been inked in with a ballpoint pen, so I threw the card at the guy who tried to play it against me.