~Guesses Posted~ Price Illustrator $200 Base PSA 9 Charizard


  1. PM me your guess on what the PSA 9 Illustrator will close at (Not including any fees like buyers premium auction fees etc.)
    Once you PM me your guess post that you have done so here on this thread (this is not disqualifying if you don’t post notice here but I’d appreciate it if you do). DONT PUT THE AMOUNT OF YOUR GUESS HERE on this thread or your entree will be cancelled.

  2. All members new and old, including Mods/Admins/Founders, may participate. Even I’ll put a guess in but if I win I’ll donate the prize to EFour.

  3. Entrees close at noon November 12th.

  4. I will post all the guesses at some point on the 12th on this thread.

  5. One guess per person.

  6. The winner will be the guess that comes closest to the final bid, whether lower or higher.

  7. If there’s a tie the first one who pm’d me with their guess will be declared the winner.

  8. If there is any dispute not covered by these rules Scott P. will make a final determination.

PRIZE: PSA 9 Base Set Unlimited Charizard in the brand new style case with serial number on front and back.

You’ll find the listing below…


If anyone spots a mistake I’ve made here please pm me for correction.


You misspelled 1st Edition and 10…and forgot to mention ‘shadowless’ for that prize :sob:


Sent you a PM Gary - Fingers Crossed!

Sent in my guess!

Pm’ed thanks

Pm sent.

Pm sent


pm :-^–)

PM’ed Thanks!

PM sent, thanks for the initiative :blush:


PM’ED! Thanks!


Yeah garinson you old tight ass, give us shadowless


Pm sent

PM sent

PM sent.

PM sent. Thanks a lot for doing this giveaway!

Btw, shouldn’t this thread be placed in the the Giveaway Section?

Congrats in advance to the winner. (I hope I’m congratulating myself here :wink: )


Pmd, thanks for this giveaway.