So i received a Cardmarket coupon; let’s say i have around 80eu to spend. I only collect eevee’s&co.
Why is it always that if you have the money for cards, you suddenly do not know what to get, lol.
Which card('s) would you recommend?
I collect everything, but I love Japanese and/or vintage cards, and “exclusive” holodesigns. And like tiny “sets” (promo’s e.g)
I need to cash this coupon like yesterday, so, i count on y’all!
My vote would be:
Flareon and Jolteon from EX Sandstorm
Leafeon and Glaceon from Majestic Dawn
Cute! I already got the glaceon.
I am not the biggest fan of these cards tbh. I think its the style (It doesn’t feel vintage nor modern. To me. If that makes sense )
I would prioritize these 2:
- A card you enjoy and really want
- A card that is not always available. There are some cards where searching on eBay will yield 0 results.
No symbol Jungle Vaporeon
Thats the thing. I do kinda know which one i want and enjoy, but sometimes getting advice from other (more experienced )collectors helps! Think of language exclusive cards, specific cards who are maybe going to be valuable, or maybe its a card i have never seen before!
Good one! Was on my list to buy one eitherway.
Naawww i think vaporeon is the cutest from the Jungle set! The “no symbol” one’s are a good indeed! Noted
Card | Set Number |
Eevee | 306/SM-P |
Eevee | 326/SM-P |
Eevee | 371/SM-P |
Eevee | 399/SM-P |
Lovely set of Friendly shop promos. I think they are very affordable and you will be able to finish the set. They have really great artwork.
So cute! And yes i love the small “sets” ánd promo’s. So cards like these are perfect. Thank you! i added this “category” in my post!
Edit: cool! I see i already got one of them!
Some ideas:
Any of the non holo Eeeveelutions from Japanese VS set
Eevee 235/BW-P Promo Seven Eleven (you might have this one already can’t remember)
The Jolteon/Vaporeon/Flareon Trainer Magazine promos might be out of reach for your specific amount, but something to keep in mind
Obviously it’s whatever you want, but my suggestions would be:
Delta Species
Japanese VS set
Trainer Magazine promos for the original trio
Call of Legends
Also as added plus, one of the cards features grimer in it!