Going Zam hunting today

After buying a ton of singles I decided to have a bit of fun and look for a high quality (PSA 9 or above) Alakazam holo from mysterious treasures the old fashioned way, wish me luck :blush:

4 box openings later, I’m 122/124 for the set, pulled everything except celebi (which i got 3x in Reverse holo), and Lucario LV.X

I managed 3 Alakazam holo cards, one of which MIGHT be able to grade a 10 but who knows. No reverse holo cards for him.

Pull rates for the boxes were about expected :

1st box - 13 holo total, 1 Lv. X
2nd box - 11 holo total , 1 lv.X
3rd box - 12 holo total, 1 lv.X
4th box - 12 holo total, 1 lv.X



Looks like a lot of fun, Happy Pulling

glad I didn’t read this post first :open_mouth:


Good luck!! Looks fun!

Godspeed and post results! :stuck_out_tongue:

Good Luck! No matter what age, opening packs is always pure bliss.

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Good luck!

It’s awesome to see people doing this. I’d definitely do the same. Glad you pulled a few!