Fun Hypothetical

What do y’all think the price would be for a COMPLETE set of all 1st Gen cards? I’m talkin the whole shebang: 1st editions, unlimiteds, 4th UK prints, jungle no symbols, Australian red 3rd prints, gift box exclusives, promotional cards, prereleases, misprints/errors, every card from Base Set to Gym Challenge

My friends and I all have different guesses on cost, but I got curious what everyone else’s guesses would be!

(For arguments sake, all cards are around NM condition)

In any case, much cheaper than if sold/bought individually.


4 to 5 million at least I would guess

About tree fiddy


Are you including all languages or only English? If you’re including Japanese you’d be encompassing a lot of high-end trophy cards.

This is an incredibly broad category. Are you referring specifically to popular errors like the No Damage Ninetales or would this Pichu card of mine also count? If the latter you’re looking at a very, very large number of cards.

Ohhh great point. I think we were originally limiting our hypothetical collection to more common or popular errors. And you’re right if we’re also considering every language then oh my god.

Unless all of them are PSA 10s, then wayyyyyyyyyyyy less than that. Unless I’m missing some major promos/rarities, everything would be well under $1m.


OP wanted the whole shebang, so I guessed the whole shebang. Including Japanese and other languages, which include some major trophies/snap cards. You could even include (no number) topsun, carddass, meiji and nissui. Lots of possibilities and I included them all :grin:


Ah ok – yeah, if including trophies/snaps then maybe. I assumed OP wasn’t including those because they’d comprise like 90% of the value of the entire group lol.

Assuming we keep it English WoTC then the prototype blastoise is very expensive and there is two versions with differing backsides. And who knows what else exists out there related to prototypes, samples, matchprints, uncut sheets etc.

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$500K? Really depends on conditions and grades (if graded), no?

idk but ill pay at least $50, so we can have that as a baseline




Nah, at least $8.50

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somewhere between $1 and $1 trillion give or take.


18 BTC :blush:

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At least the cost of materials, so like $10


Best answer so far

1% of the latest wash traded Monkey JPEG.

If you’re including prereleases, don’t forget to add a couple hundred thousand $ for efour’s favorite card, Prerelease Raichu :laughing:

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