Favorite Card Art!

I recently came across this card… i had a double take lol


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I think this was one of @daelum favorites. Or at least I associate it with him.

Masakazu Fukuda illustrations define the Gold Star cards, probably because he did ever copy! Dat Charizard*!



Yes, Daelum has brought this card up several times in the past across a few forums. He loves it.
I also love the idea of you associating him with that card in the case that he had not elected it as a favorite in the past. Hahaha

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Also on an unrelated note, i just noticed that the birthday pikachus are a before/after scenario.

same cake, same present, same back drop, same pikachu! love himeno’s art :blush:


The Natta Wake Pikachu is, in my opinion, much nicer looking. Without a doubt one of my favorite cards


Blasphemy :stuck_out_tongue:

I think @tolan might be on to something. :nerd_face:

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Yea most definetly! Himeno is one of my favorite artists! I love his different art styles

This Himeno card is one of my favourites, I can’t believe I forgot it initially. This is true card art, so beautiful:


This time of year, I’ve always loved this one:

Recently i’ve been blown away by Arita’s work. Belongs in a museum!!

That Lotad…lol

Hypno looks incredible.

I can tell you this card looks amazing in person. Its extremely shiny and the colors are breathtaking :blush:


There were so so many remarkable artworks made that it’s really hard to pick a favourite. Reading this thread made me go through my collection again and now I appreciate some of the cards even more than I did before! I felt these deserve a lot more notice!

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Won it :blush: :blush: :blush:
I love how the first gem mint card i get is my favorite card. Thanks for the heads up!

Some of my favorite art work is just about ANY rayquaza card, they look so, outstanding to me, i even have a rayquaza lvl. x in my main deck!

I’m pretty fond of the dark espeon artwork, also Giovanni’s Persian

festa pikachu has been growing on me more and more

that shining imakuni too… i crack a smile everytime i see it lol