EX Ruby & Sapphire master set list

Hi all! I reformatted/refined my RS master set list and I’ve linked it here (hopefully it can be of use to someone). I intend to format my other master set lists like this and am happy to post them if people express interest in them.

I also would like to know if I’m missing anything from the list. It took a lot of time and research to make the list, and I can’t help but feel that out of a ~400 card master set that I’m missing at least one or two cards. Is anyone is able to name any card/variant I’m missing? If you name a missing item, I will be eternally grateful :blush:.


Found a weird variant that I’m about to add to the sheet. But I actually need some help with this. So there’s an error version and a corrected version of Slakoth (the error is that the second ‘f’ in “Off” isn’t bolded). For the error version, they can come with either of the two dot codes (7UX and HMK). But the corrected version (of all 9 copies I own of it, at least) only appears to come with the dot code 7UX.

And so I’m asking: does anyone have a corrected Slakoth 45/109 with the dot code ending in HMK? If so, please let me know so that I can update the sheet accordingly.

In addition: does anyone know if the Sandstorm Marill error comes in different dot codes? I’ve only seen Marill error with the dot code ending in J3X. Is it possible for the other dot codes to also have no retreat cost?


Love this,

Do you have any other master set lists (on Google Sheets)? This is really thorough and well done.

Nice work! It almost makes me want to collect RS

@mitchandrsn – Thanks! And yes – I have Sandstorm and Dragon, too. Just added those to the sheet.

@hisoka107 – Thanks! Go for it – it’s a fun set, and surprisingly inexpensive. A whole master set in NM condition is only ~$500-$750. Definitely the cheapest EX Series master set, and it includes tons of important first appearances.

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Don’t want to put you to work but I love these master sets. Trying to capture exhaustive lists from each set. Are you working on any others?

I’ll eventually be putting together lists for all the remaining EX sets up through Unseen Forces. When I get to those, I’d be happy to add them to the sheet! Glad to see other people get use of them.


Question on Pokemon Reversal 87/109 - what is the Yama WCD? I know the other one is Team Rushdown.

Yama = Yamato World Championship deck (aka Magma Spirit)

Got it, thanks!

Looking forward to your other master sets!

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For Energy Search 90/109 I understand the 2004 copyright is the EX Battle Stadium Deck Kit. But what is the 2005 copyright?


The theme decks from 2005 (TRR/Deoxys/UF)

Looking at Sandstorm - thinking Wobbuffet 26/100 has another for the 2005 WCD (Bright Aura)?

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are you going to include the beveled text variant or are you sparing yourself lol

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I’m not familiar with that… do you have an example?



First 12 cards of EX Dragon I see the columns are ‘Holo’ and ‘Normal’. Should the ‘Normal’ be ‘Reverse Holo’?

Marill 68/100 Sandstorm. I see row 479 (no dot code mentioned) has a box for both reverse and normal. I believe the box for ‘normal’ should be removed. Thinking there is only one Dot Code for the reverse (6PY) which I haven’t found in Normal yet.

Also - not attempting to needle. Just hoping to assist in any potential refinements.

Oh wow -

Would love for this to be added. Guessing there’s only so many cards @zorloth (and others) can confirm with bevel? The dot codes make it even more tough. I enjoy the prospect of discovering though.

A funny aside is this type of classifying may in turn create previously unknown scarcity (i.e there’s only 5 examples of beveled text, Dot Code SUX 31/109 Grovyle).

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@mitchandrsn , you’re correct about the Wobbuffet; good catch! Just added it to the list.

@candle , I haven’t added it yet because I’m still not 100% sure how it functions. So far, the only two cards that I know have beveled versions are Potion and Energy Search. And as @mitchandrsn stated, it’s not clear how it functions with dot codes.

Ruby Sapphire is a fucking nightmare of a master set list to put together lol.

This isn’t a master set list, you’ve gone god mode on this one haha EX era has so many differences!