Evolutions box short 3 holo packs

Has anyone here ever experienced getting shafted on the amount of packs you got containing a holo from a booster box? I just opened up an evolutions box and only got 9 holos. This is the 14th evolutions box I’ve opened and the only one I’ve ever had an issue with. I’ve heard of people getting extra holos before, seems I’ve gotten the reverse of that luck…

Here are the 9 pulls I did get though. I’m obviously stoked on the charizard!

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9 is very weak but i know someone who got 3 hits out of a burning shadow box so im not surprised

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I opened a primal clash box once and got 2 ex’s out of the entire thing.

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I opened a Hidden Fates ETB and the Legendary Bird promo wasn’t in it. Got the ETB directly out of a sealed case, so it had to have been missed during packaging (line worker pocketed it maybe?).

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I got a shadowless box once that only had 6 holos👀


At least they were good hits. Strange on the chamsey double up though.

Was this back in the day before shadowless was shadowless or recently? That woulda sucked back then but reeeeally of sucked if it were recent.

God just really thought I needed a bunch of chansey in my life haha.

Probably all Charizard too