English 1st edition Base set Booster Box for €47000

On Cardmarket there is a Spanish seller selling an English Base set Booster box for €47000.
Only 4 references and the seller told me she used to be a distributor.
There is only one picture with the box but I’ve seen more.
What do you think?

Here is the picture of the box:

Been in contact with the seller, is there any middle-man in Europe to verify the box?

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I’m not sure, but maybe Ludkins?

As it’s in Spain I imagine you would have to pay for them to fly out and verify the box if you were going to ask Ludkins to do it. Mind you flights in Europe are fairly cheap.

It’s a good price and someone in the market would jump on this

But the risk is too damn high

Not sure why this seen as “cheap”.

The last one sold at auction by a reputable auction house and was verified by Gary as legit for 50k.

And was located in the usa.


Nobody said the word “cheap” in reference to the box. Also, that reputable auction house may have been reputable to a certain group of people, but was completely missed by the majority. Nobody saw that auction until right at the end. Also since then box prices have done some pretty crazy things. I’d say it’s a great deal, if the box is legit. Just my 2 cents.

Sorry i should have quoted “steal”. The post above mine referred to the cheapness.

In terms of awareness there was a thread made for it a little under 2 weeks it ended.


Regardless, the last 4 out of the last 5 auctioned boxes have sold at 50k or under.

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it’s also on IG now, javiwotc . is there a chance this is not a scam? (just out of curiosity, this is way over my budget lol)

He also consider trades and want to do it personally.
If I would buy it, I gues I would only if I’m allowed to open it and open a heavy pack to check :stuck_out_tongue:.

I’ve had 4 or 5 messages about this box. I explained that if I had it in hand I could verify it conclusively.
The seller has declined that offer. Hmmmm…


How was the offer?
That would visit him in Spain, he comes to you in US or that the package would be sent back and forth?

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Similar to when Jay Swigler from TGF (brilliant channel with Romell) bought his box, I assume:

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i guess the seller flying over to US

I was considering flying to Spain, but decided not to. The communication doesn’t leave me a good feeling. He replies with a few words in Spanish.

It needs to be authenticated in person. The seams are unusual and there is another thing that is concerning.

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I had no messages with the seller. Only with potential buyers.

So what did he decline again? :blush:


1st ed boxes have issues imo. This authenticity problem will make it hard for potential buyers. I have enough cash to buy this but would never bother to given the risk its fake (without ever knowing for sure). No WoTC wrapper is a shame for 1st ed.


Sometimes, you have to pay the premium to get a legit box. If the seller doesn’t communicate well, then it’s best not to risk your money, unless you are knowledgeable enough to detect fakes via just ONE photo and/or got the resource to go out there and see it in person. Better be smart than sorry. I’m sure you can park your 50k in many other items.

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