Energy cards

How do I find out which sets have holo and Reverse holo basic and special energy cards. I’m trying to collect all the energy cards I can.

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1st post, welcome to the forum haha.

in terms of finding out which sets have holo special energy energies you can always go through each set on bulbapedia, if there are special energies that are holo they will be marked that way

like for example, rainbow energy for Team Rocket

in terms of reverse holo basic energies I don’t really know a lot about it. I found a thread about it on reddit here

someone claims that emerald forward had reverse energies, but I can’t confirm that

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I did that but it did say anything about holo though.

if you mean you checked bulbapedia and it didn’t say if it was holo, it in fact does. next to each card it has the rarity, and if it is holofoil it will mark it

Now I feel foolish! Thanks, I didn’t realize that was what that was. Is there any way to find out all the play promos?

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here is a list of the PLAY promos

I saw that one too, I’m trying to figure out the ones with the play Pokémon logo on them, like for league play rewards and tournament winner ones. Stuff like that. I’ve found some information on them, but nothing that lists them all by year or anything. Thanks for helping me out. I’m trying to make a complete spreadsheet of all the available cards so I know to look for. I just picked up a secret rare counter energy.

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so you mean all promos?

there are quite a few holo energies in the PCG-P promos, some of which are kind of expensive, but super pretty

I wish I knew more about energies specifically to help you D:

I have a lot of energy cards that you can have, let me know what you want. I don’t have them all but I have some reverse holo ones from random sets.

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You definitely want the wizards promo holo energy cards. It has every energy as a holo. Very cool promo set to have. I think you can get all of them for around 30 bucks in NM condition.


@teamrocketop I would love whatever cards you want to send. Especially holo ones, I don’t have many.

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@fazool thanks so much for your help, you are much better at searching the site than me apparently.

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When I decided to collect all the energy cards, I didn’t realize that there were so many. It will be fun trying to find them all. It will take awhile though.

I collect energy cards and have made a spreadsheet of all energy cards released. Search my profile for recent threads and you will find it. I havent updated the last couple of sets though and it is only english cards, not japanese or foreign releases.

there certainly are an enormous amount of energy cards ! haha

Thanks for that spreadsheet. It will be very helpful. I’m only interested in the English ones too. It is going to take me quite awhile to track them all down, but it should be fun. My son and I just got into playing and collecting right before Ultra Prism. It’s been a lot of fun.

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No probs…be warned, as with most specific sets, some cards will cost a pretty penny :wink:

I’ll have to save those for later. :smirk:

Are the most expensive non promo/awards the call of legend reverse holo energies?
And what is the most expensive English energy card around? Would they be the champion DCE’s from a couple years ago?

Most valuable and rarest energy card (that I’m aware of) are the champion stamped DCE

Six copies were awarded at each event.