EBGames Stamped Promotional Cards (AUS/NZ) + Stellar Crown Promo

Being a Kiwi from New Zealand, we usually miss out on the fair share of regional exclusive promos especially those from the US, UK and Europe. However, that being said we do have the EB Games Promos which are an alternative to Gamestop, as in New Zealand and Australia stores are branded as such. Note, stores in Canada were branded as EBGames, and had some promos as such released, however since 2023, the new promos were NZ and AUS exclusive. I started collecting these promos since late last year with the Dragonite promo, but have since having some people message me about these from E4, have made an ebay store and resold some to US buyers.

With the increase in dedicated master sets as well as popular releases like that of the recent Charmander and Umbreon. I thought it might be nice to document the releases, and continue to update the forum on new releases. Currently there are 375 stores in Australia and 41 stores in New Zealand, with each store getting 0-3 boxes of 50 promos, this is based on when I talked to employees.

For the sake of relevance, I will not discuss Promos released before 2022 eg Canadian releases, but will update once I have the time.

2022 Silver Tempest Dragonite EB Games stamp Released in AUS and New Zealand

2022 Astral Radiance Hisuian Zoroark EB Games stamp Released in Only AUS

2023 Scarlet Violet Lechonk EB Games stamp Released in AUS and New Zealand

2023 Obsidian Flames Umbreon EB Games stamp Released in AUS and New Zealand

2023 Pokemon 151 Charmander EB Games stamp Released in New Zealand Only, (As of 30/12/2023)

2023 Iron Moth EB Games Stamp Released in New Zealand Only, (As of 30/12/2023)

Currently, the new releases has been NZ exclusive (based on AUS not releasing) and with the less than 5 times the number of stores the supply of new EB Promos may not be as plentiful, and very little New Zealanders use Ebay due to local alternatives. With that being said I’m trying to supply all collectors with these promos, but likely without AUS releasing future promotions the supply will be short and price will be elevated. EBay charges me around 20% fees after all the taxes added on and shipping charges are $20 US, hence it might not be worth every day collectors to resell overseas. That being said, I’m just posting this to give more awareness to the promos and also explain the difficulties that some may have to obtain recent releases. I will update this thread but feel free if anyone has info or questions, add and comment or private message me. :slight_smile:


If you need a hand getting any of the Aus exclusive ones down the line, let me know. Happy to help out where I can.


I’m trying to get my hands on the Charmander and Iron Moth in Canada if you or anyone has some extras!

AUS won’t have either, they haven’t released there. You can message me, I sell on ebay but can save you the fees.


Update: After 3 months of NZ release. Charmander has released in AUS.

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I believe there are a couple of these EB Games promos that have a maple leaf beside the logo distinguishing the Canadian version from the Oceanic version.

Technically this would make the non Maple Leaf versions AUS/NZL exclusives as well.


Yes, you are correct. I know Flapple and Sandaconda had non-maple leaf versions. Duraldon is CA exclusive and there are french versions for Quebec CA i believe. I’ll update when I recieve them in the mail.

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New Promo Release → Temporal Forces
Koraidon EB Games Exclusive


Twilight Masquerade Promo Released.



Does anyone have the Oceania version of the duraludon promo? I can only find the Canadian version.

Not sure if it exists unfortunately.

Bit slack on the update but this released like 2 weeks ago.


Heyo hope we’re all well! I have a query and was advised to ask here from a friend of mine.

I’m looking for information on the EB Games Sandaconda, does another variant exist of the EB games promos? Pkmn.gg and Bulbapedia say an additional variant exists but I’m struggling to find one (if it exists)

Thanks for your time and reading! :smile:

Hi there,
Yes, there are variants for Sandaconda, Flapple, Duraladon. PSA does not yet differentiate them, but I may have to put in a request


Oh nice! Thank you so much for your reply.

Do you happen to know anywhere I can grab a copy of the maple leafs variant from?

Many thanks

Ebay CA, if your based in the US. It goes for around 20-30 usd.

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Ah, I’m UK based. Thanks for the info I’ll definitely go hunting :blush:

hey I’ve been meaning to do some proper scans and post to this thread for all the variants. But I have every version of every eb games stamp that has it now. Not sure if I have them all in a sealed version. But here is the low down on it. The card inserts actually do have different codes on them. there is like a serial number like 45-1232-56 or something like that. And the canada leaf and non-canada leaf versions have different codes. So we know that this is absolutely something that pokemon made a distinction on when printing them too. And no PSA doesn’t know about it. I’ll work some magic with pkmn.gg I was actually planning to get my ducks in a row about this before reaching out. I’ll get on it. :saluting_face:

edit: er so to be clear. Sandaconda has a Canada specific version, the other is a AU/NZ version without the leaf. I do have both in hand, PROOF of it. And all the others too. There are not many with this distinction.


Oh neat! Thank you so much for the information! I sincerely appreciate it.