eBay search not working

As you can see in the screenshot below, there are 5 results but only 2 are showing.

Someone posted about it in the eBay community a few hours ago but no official response yet: community.ebay.com/t5/Technical-Issues/System-is-not-show-search-results/td-p/28729714

Just thought I’d share so people don’t freak out :grin:

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Meh, the important one showed up.

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Their eBay app is working perfectly. Haven’t used their desktop website in years. Can do everything from the app, even print shipping labels.

try blocking a member from your store, use their promotion materials, or gather data analytics. The app is good for what it is, but good luck doing everything.

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I had a problem yesterday too. I don’t remember what I was searching but there was like 20 results on .ca and 1 result on .com. It’s usually the other way around.

OP, try clicking ALL categories? Sometimes people list their items in the wrong place… There was once a seller that listed all their Pokemon sealed product in video games. lol I don’t know if that’s what’s happening here, but it’s a tip to find hidden gems sometimes.
Yeah it’s not that… I only have the $50k one showing, but I also get 5 results like you. That’s very weird.

getting the same problem :*(