E4 ART CONTEST 2023 Thread! (Complete! Special Announcement for next year)

Thank you to everyone who submitted. All the artworks are incredible. We are in a golden age of artwork for Pokemon and this competition was nothing less than that.



Big thanks to @brendantheclayboy for all your hard work organizing the art contest.

To everyone who competed this year, thank you and good luck! It was an honor to participate and compete. I haven’t drawn in over 15 YEARS! Very thankful that E4 and PokĂ©mon was the reason I got back into it. Will be drawing weekly now as much as I can.


Thank you everyone again for your participation this year. It is always a wonderful time seeing people’s excitement over this event and it’s always incredible to see new faces join in. We look forward to doing this again next year.

Major shout-outs to everyone who participated. Given some time after winners are announced, we will be taking feedback on how we can improve for next year.

Also thank you again @brendantheclayboy for ensuring this happened again this year. I am only part of a small portion of the organization at this point but without your heavy lifting, your call for meetings, your organization, notes, and dutifulness, this would not have been a reality. Always appreciate the heart and sweat you pour into this event.

Pokemon Happy GIFs | Tenor



Just finished voting. Yyyeeeaahhh that was tough. Really, genuinely, incredible pieces were again submitted this time around. Congrats to everyone and good luck!

The annual E4 art contest is truly a holiday celebration for me at this point. I get just as excited about it as I do for Christmas and Halloween with my kids. Thank you to everyone for organizing this again and breaking up the minutiae of the summer months. Special thanks to all the mods, and of course @azulryu and @brendantheclayboy! You guys seriously rock!


Finished voting. That was incredibly hard, so many great works, I really enjoyed looking through the art MANY times, the more I looked the harder it got to choose, Thanks @brendantheclayboy and everyone who helped make this happen! Super fun celebration of PokĂ©mon and the people who love them😘


Vote in. Recreation was super duper tough to choose. Congrats to everyone, yet another year of awesome art :trophy:


Damn, I’m blown away at all the talent! I had so many “oh wow”s and “that’s cool”s as I looked at all the art and noticed more of the details and ideas incorporated in each.

Thank you @brendantheclayboy and @azulryu for keeping this going! This is such a fun thing and I’m already planning and looking forward to next year.

Let’s keep on the art traaaaiiiiin


Just voted. Love this. A lot of nice art


Absolutely blown away by the level of talent in this community. Thank you all for letting me participate with my goofy owls. :owl:

Major kudos to @brendantheclayboy and @azulryu for running such an encouraging, fun competition. Can’t wait for next year already. I have a lot of EXP grinding to do. :sweat_smile:


Voted! Was super tough just like previous contests :sweat_smile:



@Rattlesnake If there is a Secret Scyther Society out there, your piece would be their sigil. :fire:


Holy cow that was difficult to vote on. As everyone is also saying, thank you to everyone for participating and showing off what you are able to do. I have comments and questions on most pieces but I’ll wait until next week after votes are cast.

@brendantheclayboy can you update the title to remind people that voting can be done by anyone? “All users can vote now!” or something like that?


Finished voting!

A big thanks to @brendantheclayboy and @azulryu for organizing this event, and another big thanks to everyone that participated! Choosing the top three in each category wasn’t easy!


I wouldn’t know anything about that. I’m not the leader. I can’t talk about it.


Voted yesterday! Thank you guys, hope to see all of your amazing artworks next year! I feel kinda dumb that my artwork just has “my recreation” as a title in the google form lol:d


Thanks to the mod team, participants and big thank you specially to @brendantheclayboy and @azulryu for organizing the whole event. Not being an artist myself at all, it was very special and fun to be able to submit my own creations. Although, I feel that having 3 years of secret Santa artwork under you belt counts as experience :wink:

Lastly, I would do the submission part in a heartbeat every time but not the voting part cause its just too difficult to come to a top 3. Thanks a lot to everyone who participated. This is just one of the reasons why E4 is the best place for a Pokemon collector and fan! :pray:



Just finished voting and just like the previous years it was difficult to pick my favorites. You should all be very proud of your work and creativity!


Ahhh I hated not being able to vote for more than three!! There were amazing works i wish I could have given points to :')
Absolutely unreal job e4!!!


Mewtwo used shadowball, I like the look of it.


I’m truly heartbroken to only choose 3, can’t even find an artwork that I don’t like honestly. Big thank you to all the staff behind the scene, and to everyone that took their time to vote.
I think that being able to craft something on our own and rediscover our creative side is already a huge win, but Good luck to all my fellow artists!