E Series common / uncommon cards - worth TCGplayer pricing?

Hi everyone,

I’ve been trying to complete my non holo e series binders and found a local store that has pretty much every common / uncommon in really good NM condition. But they literally scan every one with TCG player and total it up and that’s the price, which ends up getting expensive.

I know there are plenty of $10 cards like the starters, weird arts, etc but is it actually a good deal? Having a hard time with the concept of spending like $1k on “bulk”

Note that this is not an investment and I just like the sets - would you pay market price for NM cards or try to find one-off LP or lower versions for cheaper?

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While it may be more expensive than buying lots and selling off what you don’t need, there’s definitely benefits to buying just the cards you need in known condition

I don’t set collect, so please take my thoughts with a grain of salt

Also, welcome back to the forum!

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well there are like 3-400ish non holos in all three sets right? Theyd be NM too. How many does the store have? Id try to see if you can get a bulk deal on em.


I agree with thsigma that getting a bulk deal would be ideal.

However, I don’t think that non-holos need to be in NM condition for binder collections. If you can save a few hundred dollars by buying LP or MP copies, go ahead and do it. You’ll never look at the backs of them anyway.

The only purpose of buying NM non-holos is if you are a condition-sensitive collector or if you are planning to sell them in the future.


Despite them being commons/uncommons, it seems reasonable that they’re old enough and low print enough to not be bulk priced anymore.

It’s pretty rare to find a store with them in good condition. In your shoes, I’d be buying them up!


Thanks for the input everyone. I’m leaning towards just forking over the money and maybe just bringing in all my random modern stuff that doesn’t really match up with my collection.

Makes sense with doing a deal price - I think I will try to get all the “cheap” ones together and treat the others as singles. There’s a non holo Gengar from skyridge - and that thing’s over $100!

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Japan Mercari used to have a lot of lots, or singles for a cost average of $4-5 before shipping from buyee to the US. Not mint, but LP-NM. Might be worth your time to check there if you haven’t already.

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In my opinion. You would be alot happier once you spent the money vs if you didnt. Maybe drop a few hundred here and there instead of the 1k at once would make you financially stress free as well.

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If they are going in binders and they have a good eye appeal, no need for NM to me

where are you located ? might be able to help out if it’s around Europe