Dutch Base set Charizard price/future value

Hello E4,

I am facing a deal where I could buy an ungraded Dutch base set Charizard that has a bit of whitening on the edges but a pretty neat holo artwork, the price is at 20 euros (22 dollars), I think it is between PSA 5-8 worthy (I’m not a pro at judging quality of a card though).

My questions are :

  • Is it a good deal to buy this card for that price ?
  • Can I expect Dutch Charizards (graded or ungraded) to go up in price in the next 5 years ?
  • What do you think is the current value for let’s say a PSA 6-7 Dutch Charizard approximately? (looking at a wide range really, maybe looking for a minimum too)

Thank you in advance, I read you guys a lot and I love what you do. Cheers

I’ve bought a dozen Dutch Zards in past months all PSA6-7 worthy for 20-30 euro each. It seems to be the commonly accepted price for a NM Dutch Zard.

Unlimited or 1st Edition makes a big difference. So what are we talking about in this?

Anyone dutch here?

Belgian XD

Unlimited, I should have been more accurate.

I’m Belgian too btw (french speaking)

@genosha thank you for your answer!

While I’m here, is it a good deal to pay 65 euros (+/- 70$) for a Shining charizard that is PSA 7-8 worthy?

To be honest, if it has emotional value as a card id say go for it, as a collector and u ever want te resell (because we all now the Belgian pensionfunds … ) go for a 10, it will only increase. U can sit a year or longer on a 7 or 8, but a 10 always sells… id rather pay the price times ten for a 10 than ever spend money on a 7 or 8… as i said if it has emotional value for some reason or u want to collect em, go ahead

I mostly want to buy the Shining (same as base set dutch charizard) to resell it in a few years (5, 10 years). Do PSA 7-8 tend to not gain much more value with time ? For the moment I can’t afford a PSA 10 Shining Charizard tbh

They will probably all go up, but 10’s ofcourse will increase the most :blush:
but the most important thing is , if YOU! are comfortable with it, id say go for it :wink:

Awesome ok, I’ll definitely think about it. I mean worst case scenario is I resell the cards quickly and they don’t yield any profit. That’s the beauty of Charizards

Thank you for your help guys

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