Dunsparce promo?

Can anyone more versed in the Japanese market than I look at this listing and tell me if the dunsparce is in fact in there?
The seller isn’t sure.


I can’t read japanese, but I do own this card. I did NOT pull it from the book, but I know it does come from one. From Bulbapedia: In Japan, this card was released in the first volume of the Pokémon Information Pack in January 2001. The text on the bottom of the card border reads “Information Pack extra card #1.”

The listing does say #1 in the corner, but without english you will need a translator to know for sure.

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Doing some research in the Japanese wiki, I found that indeed the sealed card inside is a Dunsparce Promo card. It is the only card that is attainable in the Coro-Coro comic otoshidama (お年玉).

The Dunsparce is part of a ‘information pack’ series. Other than Dunsparce, other attainable cards within the ‘information pack’ is:

The answer to your question: It DOES contain a Dunsparce

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Thanks for the info. Someone beat me to it though.

Although distributed about the same time, Dunsparce was not released in a Coro Coro magazine. The sealed card in the Coro Coro mag is Smoochum. Promo from the the release of Neo.

There were 4 information packs released in 2001: Dunsparce, Bellossom, Pryce’s Lapras & Ponyta


I have packaging for 3 of the 4. It was a big rectangle sealed in plastic with the card on the front loose under the wrap. I imagine dunsparce was distributed in a similar way.

Yes, same type of distribution.