Japanese VS Promos

I wasn’t aware that there were promos from the Japanese VS set, but recently stumbled upon this Sneasel. It’s number 3 / P with the Promo star, so I’m assuming there must be several VS promos. I’m not able to find any info, though. Curious if anyone has a list of the VS promo cards, and any information about them. How were they released, and their relative rarity compared to the VS set cards? Thanks! :blush:

Apart from Rocket’s Sneasel, there is also Rocket’s Sizor. Those two are pretty abundant. You should be able to get mint copies for well under 20 USD: m.bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Rocket%27s_Scizor_(Best_of_Game_4)

Then there was this Alto Mare half deck and a Tyranitar half deck released. The Alto Mare one is pretty rare I think. Don’t know if you want to count those as promos:

Furthermore, at the Tropical Mega Battle 2001 there were some Tyranitar half-decks in English and other foreign languages given out to winners. Those are definitely rather trophies than promos. Obviously they’re as rare as it gets. You can look up some info on those in this thread and the spreadsheet: www.elitefourum.com/t/master-list-of-the-rarest-pokemon-cards/28390/1

There might be more, but those are the ones I can think of right now.

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I think there’s also a Lapras Vs released with the Info Magazines vol(?) but I don’t remember if it was a promo or an unlimited version…


Cool, thanks for all the info, very helpful!


Looks like you’re correct. Seemz like the VS set card was a reprint of the promo, but I’ll try to track down more info. Thank you :blush:

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Correct, this was the only vs set card that was printed in unlimited. The pack version was 1st edition while the promo was unlimited