Do blemishes on PSA cases bother you?

I was just wondering if anyone finds scratches and scuffs on Psa/Bgs cases a turn off. When I purchase from eBay I always find it disappointing when the card comes in only to have scratches or marks that diminish the aesthetic.

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I don’t mind it really, but I can see why people dislike it. The graded card sleeves do a great job preventing that. And also, theres always the option to send the cards to psa/bgs for a recase.

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Have no fear, plastic polish is here.


All top responses! I am the same boat as @joakimstore. It isn’t a big issue for me, unless it is severe. I also use sleeves for more valuable cards.

Also @zap2 post is a game changer. That cleaner needs more publicity. I’ve had buyers back out of deals because of a scratch that I could have removed if I were aware.


It does bother me a lot when I get a card that comes in a brandnew psa case and has scratches or these signs from the glue on top of the case. And recasing a card costs extra money and doesn’t mean it will come back in a perfect case because psa quality standards are…kinda mehh

It would if a graded card grading company existed aye @garyis2000

Lol what glue?

Seriously though, cases are sonically welded shut, those “glue” blemishes you see is actually the plastic being welded together.

Do you really want my advice :smirk::smirk::smirk:


I don’t mind it myself. Plastic just scatches easily, there’s no way around it. Plain and simple.
As long as the card inside is protected and there are no huge cracks or holes in my case, it’s all good.


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