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Very true. Look what happened to the first Japanese birthday pikachu. The price dropped significantly after the release of the English version. Now don’t get me wrong, it was not as rare as it was touted to be and Pokemon was in its heyday… but if that card was never released in English I could guarantee it would command a higher desirability and price.

…but lets look at the opposite end of the spectrum. The infamous Computer Error card. It has seen, Jp CD release, coro coro release, an English printing and the Kamex. However one of its 4 variants brings in major cash due to a different drop shadow.

I think It has less to do with how many release a card sees and more about the story behind those releases. If you have a good story and it stirs up a feeling of nostalgia, older collectors will be all over it :blush:

Don’t forget that the Kamex computer error is Non-Glossy which I find personally adds immense appeal. The glossy cards look sickly to me and distort the natural colours of the card…and I really do not like them. I am thrilled that we got to see a non-glossy variant of the card in Japanese. The artwork is just too cool. Although one could just pick up a non-glossy english version, I don’t find it the same. Certainly helped convince me to buy the Kamex one!

But yes, the artwork is very released and re-released and all things considered, the Kamex Computer Error is doing just fine. You’re certainly right Mike, it’s all about the story.