Did Logan Paul just buy a Pikachu Illustrator card?

Welp he broke a window… :open_mouth:


What has this hobby become

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Well if you need a breather and want to see completely different collection I’m passionate about check my IG story link below :blush:


Thats pretty fucking sweet man, I already know the atf loves you haha

Haha! all legally registered my friend. Suppressor paper work with the ATF took over 14 months :slightly_frowning_face:

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Well worth it, and the $200 tip per suppressor is appreciated im sure. You really got a number done on ya, 14 months yikes. Nevertheless, I am impressed

Ha! yup $200 tax stamp per but hey no need to wear ear protection now so the money saved there is worth it right :rofl:

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Here’s exactly what Logan said to me, “I’m not as dumb as I look.”


Not sure who hes pranking. Pretty sure 99% of his followers wouldnt even know about the card. Unless its for some video idea like pokebowl said.

I didn’t say he was in on it.

I mean did you guys watch the next video? he’s just doing logan style things, it’s fine and it’s pretty funny. I’m sure it will get a lot of randoms interested in the space

Unless someone else comes along and gets ripped off. That’s the problem.


New viral video “Logan paul pranks himself”


Go check his story now. Safe to say he knows it’s fake.

Uh yeah he’s in the hospital… XD

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His current IG story says everything you need to know about your new messiah of the hobby. Wow :sweat_smile:


Anyone who’s surprised by that IG post doesn’t know Logan. He’s always been an attention whore. That’s how he got famous. Do things that people will be talking about, doesn’t matter if they’re good or bad.


Very valid point (although that’s probably going to happen with all of the current eyes on and unsophistication of the incoming crowd when it comes to this stuff

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Only 2 copies have ever sold above that though right? If the card was real I don’t know if that can really be regarded as a steal. Unless someone actually bought Scott’s PSA 9 copy for $2m this isn’t a $2m card like Logan is claiming.

As much as I don’t believe Charizard should command so much value, more PSA 10 Charizards have now sold above $100k than Illustrator cards have.