Could someone tell me if this is worth $9 or not?

So I’m currently at this card shop and I’d like to know if this is something that’s rare or if it’s worth picking up for the $9 or not… thanks!

On Ebay it’s a $9-$12 dollar card. So they are selling it for a fair price. It’s not rare though because it’s $9-$12 dollar card.

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Didn’t buy it. Was just curious. Thanks for the quick response!

We can close this /threat

Not at all. This is from Trent Orndorff’s 2014 World Championship deck, Trevgor, which features 2 of these Mew EX cards. There are currently about 25 of these sealed decks for sale on eBay, with the lowest being $19.99. You may as well just buy the full deck and you’d end up with not only 2 of these Mew EX cards in similar if not better condition, but 58 other cards, too.

This deck also comes with 2 Tropical Beach cards. Looks like you could make a nice profit buying the deck: sell the spare Mew EX for $9 and sell the 2 Tropical Beaches for $10 each… not only do you have a Mew EX of your own, but you’re up $9!



Lol hey now… sounds like you just found a good flip :stuck_out_tongue: for some profit at least… I may have to look into that. Well I’m very glad that I didn’t buy it then. I never usually buy these types of cards. The “worlds” cards or whatever. They’re never Holo; and never look very cool either. But I appreciate all the info thanks guys!

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Take time, effort and shipping costs into consideration. World Champ cards aren’t exactly on the top of everyone’s wish list.

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@shinyrayquaza, For prices, why not check eBay or pokemon price? I see that you are asking a lot of price questions, but you can find that information really easily on your own.

Search the card on eBay with the card name and set, then click “sold listings” and you will see the general cards prices or do the same thing on pokemon price in the tab above.

Hope this helps!


It does. And I typically do look. I’ve barely posted anything about pricing. This was the 2nd time I’ve posted anything about pricing as a collector. I just asked about my Typhlosion… That’s it. But otherwise I typically do my own homework. Sorry and my Lugia… But I do this not typically just for myself, but something I typically ask pricing on is something that I’ve ever neither seen before; or something that I think could potentially be something that someone on here MAY want… I just never knew what the Championship cards were and if they were worth anything. So I just wanted to ask about this one. I apologize. I thought that’s what this site was for. Was for helping others out.

Troll & Toad is a great way to search approximate prices on raw cards as well. Just type in the name and #/#. Multiple options will pop up which should include most variants.