Come take the POKE SURVEY!

I’ll preface this by saying that I’m not an active YouTuber and I’m not a big seller so the information collected here is pure curiosity and entertainment. The data will be visible to all who take the quiz.-------------

I know that others and I are genuinely curious about collector trends in the hobby… so I made an anonymous survey. You do have to sign into google to take it (so that google can limit you to one assessment) but emails are not recorded, you can skip any questions that you don’t feel comfortable answering, responses will be visible to everyone that takes the quiz, you can only take the quiz once, you can’t return and edit the survey once you have submitted.
It’s just for fun and to see how similar or different you are from the efour members.


Cool, just did it! Looks like I’m the first :blush:

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Love this. Great idea !

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This was a fun survey!! Thanks for making this. :blush:

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Yes please make another. Was quite fun. Some answers are very surprising. One I find funny is how many people like myself don’t open packs. Granted I opened a ton of Hidden fates in November but I won’t be opening even a single pack for a very long time. Also the amount of people that collect modern and vintage like myself. Or a very surprising one was how the majority of people don’t bother buying many graded cards. I thought a lot of my buying habits would be somewhat unique but it seems like I fall into the majority for every answer pretty much


I watch myself every day on YouTube👀


This was fun, I’m definitely up for more if you decided to make more surveys :blush:

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Enjoyed taking and seeing the results of this survey! Great idea, looking forward to the next one!

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This was fun, and had some interesting results! Thx for the initiative!:blush:

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Why doesn’t this surprise me :joy:

Need to have a question on “what do you estimate your entire collection is worth?”

Would be interesting to see the variation.


Intrigued by the answers to the questions around PSA and sealed, as half of people are in the 0-25% category for PSA and approx 75% (so far) do not actively collect sealed, as I am assuming raw cards are collected more widely? Perhaps this is too small a pool of responses so far though!

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Looks like at least 32.5% collect sealed (as of when I’m writing this – 40 responses). The questions about sealed product were also phrased in a way that will eliminate a certain amount of people from responding – “actively collecting” might be better phrased as “have you purchased sealed product for collecting purchases within the past 6 months?” or something more objective like that. And it’s also possible that some people that primarily collect tins/blisters would respond ‘no’ to the booster pack question.

Very interesting survey, though! If another one was created, I think a cool question to have would be a ranking question on favorite English TCG sets: you could include all sets up through EX-era (since it looks looks like this forum almost exclusively collects WotC/EX) and people could rank their top 10 sets in order. I would be very curious to see data on that.

EDIT: or maybe also a question about least favorite/most overrated sets.

Most surprising results I saw
15% left hobby for 20+ years
20% left for 15-20 years

And way too many people watch SMP YouTube
Like who is the one person that answered no
It was probably him

Good idea, but there aren’t enough options on this survey for me.

  1. There should be a “No preference” option for questions 1 and 2.
  2. Question 4 should have an “I don’t focus on WotC” option.
  3. The YouTubers question should have an “I don’t watch Pokémon YouTubers” option.
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You’re misreading that chart. ~15% answered ‘no’ (the color is almost identical for the ‘20+ years’ option). Not a single respondent has picked the ‘20+ years’ option so far.

I don’t know why 20% having left the hobby for 16-20 years is surprising – if anything, I would expect it to be a higher portion (though maybe you’re surprised because it’s too low?). Lots of people got out of the hobby around 2001-2003 and lots of people came back to the hobby between 2016-now.

Yeah being a little color blind sucks

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Interesting that most people aren’t interested in sealed product.

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Yeah really! I had figured I was in the minority not really being interested in sealed product, although I do respect the financial aspect of it.

Just took the survey! Some of the results are very interesting