Collecting Woes

Check the finish on the card - is it shiny or not? Does it feel glossy or not?

Basically the only way to tell.

As for the academy cards, but yeah, they are frustrating as hell. I don’t know what’s more frustrating - knowing the card is right under your nose and the seller says no, or not knowing where it is ever.

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And yes, this is the case. It’s the American print but glossy.

Once again I wish I started collecting a little bit sooner and got my hands on some Art Academy cards… I offered 250 at first, but she just got some cards back from grading and is asking 750 now… My max is 325, so yeah… As @skinst said, not sure if it’s more frustrating to not know where it is, or to do know but not being able to buy it… :slightly_frowning_face:

As for the binder, yeah, that’s a common problem. :wink:


So the problem will be that you have to take the risk as you will not get the change to feel the cards ( in your hands) when buying from the internet by the image of the card and possible confirmation of the selller it’s glossy ( if he/she can recognize glossy :blush: )

Just my conclusion from the previous replies except there are confirmations it’s not but no explanation why not :blush:

Yes. That’s why, when I get it, I will be asking for a photograph to prove it is glossy by photographing it on an angle.

That, or buying a sealed one.

I did hear shes grading all of them. Sadly they have all dramatically increased in price and will not budge on that. I think shes thinking around the £800 mark per card. Good luck to her.

Who is she sorry?

Amelia/Meli the Baker card.

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Sooooooooo I found the promo 8 card on y!a - but it wasn’t glossy. :slightly_frowning_face: There are two more on there but I doubt they are too.

Luckily they are cheap, but I am still really sad.

I wonder what the magazine looks like where it was in. I know it’s the Gotta Magazine from July 2000 (source; from this forum) which also included the Glossy French Pikachu I’m looking for… If one of us finds the magazine with both cards, let’s sell the other card to each other, agree?

Does anyone know what the Gotta Magazine for July 2000 looks like? Maybe if we can’t find the cards, we can find the magazine on YJ…


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That would be nice ;v;

I’ve actually tried looking for it, but the magazine seems to be fairly elusive. Maybe @noodles or @japanime could help?

God I’m frustrated.

I will keep looking for the Mew for you, but I got my French Glossy Gotta Magazine Pikachu incoming thanks to @aj1
Aren’t there any new Mew releases to keep you busy?

And some cards just barely pop up unfortunately. I currently have 83% of all Pikachus that exist (a.f.a.i.k.) (added the percentages to my Excel today), but some of them, like the unlimited edition L1, Grey stamp Red Cheeks Base, Thin Print Base, etc. I have never even seen pictures of, let alone had the chance to buy them… And some others, like the Flug-Pikachu misprint, the non-Holo Swedish/Swiss releases, the Base Square Cut, etc. I’ve only seen pictures of in one place…
Your Glossy Mew (and Art Academy Mew) are probably just as illusive to find.

If I ever come across one I’ll PM you right away.


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Already got all the new ones. v_v; They’re pretty easy to get tbh, unless they’re a trophy. Even the recent japanese signed one was an easy pick up. Bleagh.

But yeah… I know it’s elusive to get.

Which makes it all the more frustrating.

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I can understand the feeling. I would probably be very frustrated as well if I needed less than 5 cards to complete my collection and I wouldn’t be able to find them. It’s even more frustrating that you know some people has it, but they aren’t selling it (for a decent price).

Ah well, all I can say unfortunately is good luck in your search. :slightly_smiling_face:


Thanks man, much appreciated.

I know how you feel man but you can’t let that stuff stop you. Look at @smpratte saying that it took him 10 years to finish the trophies I mean it can’t get crazier than that right? So that should give you hope and when you find it, you bet is gonna be worth it. My most recent fuck up was the 2015 2nd place Pikachu trophy on ebay a few weeks ago. Literally, I entered my class saved it on my account and when I exited the class it was sold out. I felt like the biggest dumb ass in the world but oh well. I mean if it wasn’t for these stories collecting wouldn’t be fun. A ton of times I have gone crying to my boyfriend about how a card was so much cheaper 10 years ago and he’s always there to remind me… would you have been able to afford it 10 years ago as a part time high schooler? Probably not lol. Don’t forget that you probably have cards people want too and collecting wouldn’t be what it is if it wasn’t for the stories of hunting them :blush: Good luck buddy I believe in you!!! :grin:


Thank you for the encouragement :blush:

I assure you I’m not giving up. I’m just frustrated is all ^^; I’m sure everyone’s been there.

Also I think it’s taken me… 10 years ongoing myself to get the Mew collection I have? I think? I started back in 2006 from memory.

My condolences on the card loss mate. ;; I feel you. I’ve lost cards that way too - did I tell you about the time I woke myself up at 4 am so I could get the Players Mew EX card?

English timezones kill me.


Could it be ? :


Hard to tell with the angle… I’ll get it anyway. Might get lucky, maybe…