collecting all xy/p promos

I have been thinking about trying to get all the xy/p this would be excluding the trophy cards due to money. Are any of these cards expensive? 100+?

Thanks for any info

sorry if this is in the wrong place!

Japanese? A few of the mega battle promos will run you a pretty penny. Also the best advice I can give is to be patient. Know the price you’re willing to pay for a particular card and don’t budge. The new promos always start off high with some offered slightly lower but gradually decrease in time. Trust me, I learned from experience :stuck_out_tongue:

yea japanese thought i added that. i plan on skipping the mega battles cant afford them haha. i been getting a few here and there

you mean the 1 with the gengar? i got that 1 already and the robo sub. how long ago with the band given out?

oh so that dosent really seem all to bad then may have to start this and end with the victory ring with chespin on it

Are you interested in XY-P Promos for sale or still deciding?

u can pm me which u have i may buy