charizard 1st edition psa 10

Do you think that charizard 1st edition psa 10 will keep increasing value? In 6 years, what will be his value? around 6 digits? sky is the limit

Maybe 30k? I hope it doesn’t go much higher cause I want to add some more;)


As millennials continue to grow their wealth there will be more capital to place into non-essentials. So I think the outlook is positive. At some point I will own one too.

And also Gary buys darn near every one he sees… so there’s little threat of a steep decline;)

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I fear not my sweet summer child.

Nuclear annihilation will begin October 5 next year, it has been foreseen in the stars.

From the ashes humanity will arise to a vicious, unforgiving world.

Glass rains from the sky, water is irradiated. Flora and fauna adapt the tools to survive the harsh reality of the human extinction event whereas those left behind in the wake of the fire will only find comfort in the ways of the Mongol, Greek and Roman. Conquest ensues.

Death will become the norm. Gangs answering to no authority but their base instincts will and desecrate what is left of those who cower in the bones of a lost empire.

Pokemon will be a distant memory in the minds of the survivors who must constantly vie for water, ammunition and food to survive the unforgiving hellhole which will become North America. Her rivers dry, her crops wilted. The earth scorched beyond the threshold of recovery to where no life will once again flourish.

As the years go by whispers will creep to the ears of those who travel through the desolate plains of this violated planet. Near what once was an oasis in the desert, a place where once any appetite could be satiated, wholesome or otherwise… a place once referred to those who came before who lived in the majesty of the 21st Century and her technological spoils as… Las Vegas, Nevada… word will tell of one man with a ravenous desire to acquire the fire dragon.

These stories are accompanied by the displaced, hungry and lost. They bring stories of a man who takes a titian dragon, the essence of fire as his standard. He gives hope when benevolent and will wreak havoc upon those with the gall to displease this man. The stories may vary, some of despair and some of fantasies so undeniably exaggerated the men who utter them and shunned and exiled.

The one consistent facet of their accounts are totems worn by the man. They recall the visage of 10 aqua-winged, titian dragon hanging from his neck on a gold chain as thick as the arm of an infant. Inlaid on the hilt of his sword a final fire-belching terror labeled “BGS 10 - Pristine” remained.

It’s said these artifacts will bring this man eternal life and vigor.

Money and it’s pursuit will be a luxury of a forgotten age. The PSA 10 Charizard is worshipped as an idol, the god of the new world. From fire it was created, from fire it will return.


^ coudnt agree more!
I started writing a text like that, but changed my mind xD

I expect Gary to purchase every pokemon card in existence, repack into all new sealed packages, and then release them all back into the wild so we can all experience again what it was like in 1999. It will be the market crash of the ages, but history will repeat itself and we can all continue on our merry way.


Not sure that the Pokemon TCG market has enough of a dedicated collector base with enough capital to push the card up much higher than it is. It’s a risky assumption to believe that Pokemon will command much more profitable increases on specific cards, though I believe there is a lot of wiggle room for other smaller cards to grow.

I guess it all depends on the economy in the next 10-20 years. More wealth is landing in the hands of the 90s and 00’s generations but how many of those collectors will be spending 30-50K+ on a single card vs just buying a bunch of other great stuff in the 500-10,000 range? No one really knows.

I expect a new record breaking price for charizard psa 10 within a few months. Significant increase over the last sale too.

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Charizard hitting 6 digits in 2020 if Our honorable president is re-elected. You heard it first here.


That’s complete bullshit. Single Pokemon cards have already sold for over 50K…

*100k :sunglasses:


Reaching $100k+ would be very surprising, but I’d be even more surprised if it’s not a $50k card 6 years from now.

It depends how the hobby is doing and what the supply looks like. It’s seeing some nice growth now as people are not flipping it like they do with other cards. In other words, if there isn’t one or multiple copies available each PWCC auction it should do quite well.

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Honorable or did you mean *disgraceful :stuck_out_tongue:


Which part is bullshit? Whatever it is NOW, I’m not sure it will get much higher. Which was similar to what Gary said. Also we’re talking about a set card, not a niche trophy with an extremely limited population where you don’t need as many high end collectors with deep pockets to drive up a price. Whenever people ask about the future, all we can do to speculate. Unless you’re from the future, I don’t see how my guess is any more or less “bullshit” than your own.


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It’s an auto correct for the current sitting president to avoid political discussion!


I must admit I had a good laugh the first time I tried to post his name. Most forums I know all have 100 pages+ discussions/wars on that honorable president. :grin:


I think it will continue to grow and eventually become out of reach to most collectors as an obtainable item in their life. I do believe, just like any collectable item, that it will experience dips too. We are due for a recession and I do believe it will happen in the next couple years. At that time people will be more concerned with living and providing for their family so prices will dip significantly. But many will hold onto their beloved collection until the market comes back. Many will sell at much lower prices than they purchased in this current market.

To the moon!


As the years pass, I believe the PSA 10 1st edition base Charizard will continue to flourish. I believe it will continue to grow even more unattainable than it is now. In time, I bet this card will reach 6 figures.

Every day I debate if I should sell my Silverado for this card. I could find a car with better gas mileage anyway, right?


One thing to remember, even in a recession, is that people sure do love spending money!

I think its a little ridiculous to assume that there aren’t people invested in the hobby and wealthy enough to push the value even further, Apple is now worth a trillion dollars! The internet is putting some of the more tech-savvy nerds on the map and they are making fat stacks, you’d have to be mad to think they’re gonna buy some… I dunno what does old world wealth like to buy? People? some boring company? Nah, they’re gonna be dreaming of buying old Alpha Magic boxes and 1st Ed Base boxes.


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