carrotzz Collection Thread

Hello I have come back to post an update to my Treecko master set binder. I still have a few more unlimited cards on the Japanese side of things though (all my unlimited Japanese are in another binder I will have to post soon). I still need to pick up the unlimited Grass Quick Constrution Deck Treecko (ex Emerald print on the English side), unlimited Spiral Force Treecko (Plasma Freeze print on the English side) and both the unlimited and 1st ed. Japanese Gold Stars. Also I know there are a lot of super knowledgeable people on this forum so let me know if there are any Treeckos I am missing. Enjoy!

Also as a side note I recently picked up one of my grail cards which is why I had to put my hunt for the Japanese gold stars on hold. But check out this wonderful Pop 9 2004 Treecko WB Kids Creator Card Promo. This card holds a very special place in my heart because I remember this promotion as a kid and how cool it was that kids got to draw cards and have a chance to have them become the real thing. There was 5,250 of these distributed in a promotional pack that also had Mudkip, Torchic, Wurmple, and Pikachu. The 5 grand prize winners got 50 packs each and 5,000 were given away to lucky winners. Its crazy that it has been over a year since one of these was graded in a PSA 10 and I am so happy to own this boy who is happily throwing leaves around. :blush:


What an awesome post! I love your dedication to Treecko.


Haha thank you! It always makes me happy to see other people also enjoy the collection. :hugs:

Hello I have a small collection post to make today. First off I have picked up another low pop Treecko for my collection. I have picked up a PSA 10 Reverse Holo Treecko from ex Dragon. This card is pop 5 which is not very suprising coming from early ex era. The early ex era reverse holos are super hard to grade in my opinion and I am super happy to pick it up. Also as I posted in another thread I really enjoy the art work by Hajime Kusajima on this card. I really love how he illustrated a Sceptile from Primal Clash 12 years later that looks to pull a lot of inspiration from the this card.

I also have finally took some photos of my Japanese Unlimited Treecko binder. I am still missing a few cards but here is what I have so far. I am really trying to hunt down the unlimited on from Grass Quick Construction Pack.

Lastly I also took some pictures of my Treecko cards with different serial numbers. Please let me know if I am missing any ( @Quuador :sweat_smile:).


You’ve indeed got all English codes. :slight_smile: Three for each non-Holo Common of those sets (and the EX Crystal Guardians set that also contains a Treecko only had a single code per card). And the Japanese ex era Treecko were all sets/promos/decks without different codes.

And congrats on the PSA-10 EX Dragon RH!


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Thank you for confirming and I really appreciate the reply. Your Seviper collection is what inspired me to post my Treecko collection here. :smile:

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Hello I am back again with what might be one of my biggest pickups in a while. I was fortunate enough to be able to attend Ocala Comic Con this year and get some cards signed by the wonderful Mitsuhiro Arita. Overall the event was good and I got there about 8am Saturday and went immediately to wait in line for the signing. It took about about 8 hours to get my cards signed which overall wasn’t too bad and if I had to do it again I most definitely would. Arita was very patient and I am super happy I was able to met him. Anyways here are the beautiful cards!

We were able to get 1 card sketched and 2 signed in total. Obviously the card I was going to get sketched was the Treecko from the Grass Quick Construction Deck (ex Emerald) which was illustrated by Arita. I am beyond stoked that I have a cute little Treecko head on this card now. I am also curious if there are any other Treecko sketches out there by Arita. The other card I decided to get signed was one of my favorite cards from my childhood which is the Rayquaza from ex Holon Phantoms. My Fiancé came with me to get some cards as well and she decided to get her vending Eevee signed and sketched but didn’t want anything else signed. I used her other spot to get the Japan Post Cramorant signed. I also picked up a print of Artia’s Le Grand Diner and plan on framing it and putting it up in my office. Overall it was a very fun and memorable event and I really can’t thank Arita enough for coming out and doing this. I really hope to see him again in the future.


Super nice looking binder, there’s just somerhing about these single pokemon collections that gets me all excited! And weird to see a japanese ex era binder without a lot of repeated artworks, the code variants are so common that it’s funny that treecko missed all the chances to get them :smile:

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This is awesome! True 1/1 item with a bunch of meaning for your collection. Super cool.

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It has been quite some time since I last used this thread but I though I would post the progress of one of my binders. I have had a lot of fun picking up a lot of niche Japanese promos over the past couple of months. I also opened one of the Poncho boxes and added them to the binder. Also if any one has binder recommendations please let me know. This one is a VaultX and the pages are getting a little scratched as you can see in some photos. I would really like to buy a new one that keeps its files clear. Anyway I will have to get back into posting here more often again but for now please enjoy the binder. :grin:


Binder :crown:


You could get one customised! Then it can be whatever size and design you wish. I put one together for my wife and got it printed, she likes Mew :grinning:

I am actually ashamed and sorry that I merely glossed over your phenomenal collection before. I really had a great time looking at your binder pictures. You obviously have great taste and even better an awesome collection of promo cards. Just curious if you have a pattern or goal in mind with the promo cards, or do you collect what fancies your eye?

Again, really really awesome collection and very inspiring to me who also collects promos. As a fellow binder collector, Kudos!

Lastly, I also use the Vault X exo-tec binder. I think it is a really great binder, but the page scratching is unavoidable, specially in a full binder where you open it and move cards a lot. The only way I guess to prevent all of this is never open the binder or just be extremely careful and patient with the handling.


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Thanks for taking the time to look at it, it means a lot. I know there are a lot of amazing collections on the forum so don’t worry about glossing it over haha. I also don’t post on it as much as I used too.

As for what I decide to collect its mostly just what fancies my eye haha. I love promos that have relation to things I grew up with, like the Japanese VS decks that are from the movies. I also really like Black and White promos because of the games. I enjoy promos the BW-P Battle Carnival ones because of how they were released and the fact that some of them have the same stamps that are on the trophies card plaques.
I only had two major collection goals when I started. One goal was collecting every Japanese and English Treecko card, which I have completed. The other one being collecting every holo card from the first 3 original Nintendo sets being ex Ruby & Sapphire, ex Sandstorm and ex Dragon, which I have also completed.

Again I’m really glad you enjoyed the binder I will try to post more often. I also have to give kudos to your collection as well. I really enjoy how you shop off your promo collection. I love how organized and informational the posts are.

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Duuude, these binder pages look SO good. Mad respect for including the Movie sets. They are crminally overlooked. I’m also a huge fan of ex era stamped reverse holos in general and of many of the ones you posted in particular!

This was post was an awesome journey, like a “best of” even, from the early golden days of the TCG all the way to the most current releases.

Keep them updates coming!!!


Haha its funny you that it reminded you of a “best of” because when I was sorting the cards it was kind of with the idea that it would be some of my favorite cards from each era.
As a gen 3 kid the reverse holos from that era are unmatched. I especially love how the reverse holo looks on the Sableye in particular.

Thanks for the reply and I’m glad you enjoyed the post.

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Yeah, you always have top notch collection posts, and I love the eclectic assortment for this one. I also had a similar idea wherein I have pages dedicated to empty pack artworks. In my “master” binders for english and japanese, the front pages contain pack artworks for the original era, they look so good. I love how you actually put the artwork into an individual pocket, looks even cleaner than my printer paper protector sleeve, but it still holds well.

There are so many gems in there, too many to name, but I enjoyed seeing a whopping amount of cards I love in the order you’ve customized for yourself. I too love the ex era reverses, I would never collect even more than a few myself, so it’s especially those kind of things I love seeing in others’ collections.

Love the no rarity porygon, a perfect occupant =)

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Thanks for enjoying the thread so much! So funny thing about the pack arts is they are actually Japanese Pokémon center sleeves from the 20th anniversary but I agree they look super nice in a binder. I have though about buying some old ex era packs to put into the binder as well. Also good eye for the no rarity Porygon haha.

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