Was able to get some of my wants from the people here, which I really appreciate! Need a couple more PCG era sealed boosters and would like to get my hands on a sealed World Championship Pack. Let me know if we can work out some deals! Have a good day everyone.
Good Luck on a Sealed World Champions Pack. They were only available online for 2 weeks many years ago. I’ve never even seen one. My best bet would be to hit up Japanime and see if he has any in storage…
Hi everyone, aside from boosters I am now currently looking for the Ken Sugimori Jumbo “Pijotto vs Lizardon” Card. If anyone has this card please let me know. Not 100% on price, so if anyone has any information on that it would be appreciated as well. Have a good day everyone!
Updated my main wants and especially my items available for trade list! Thanks to all who have helped so far! Earlier this week I lost the auction on the Jungle 291 Yen Short Pack on YJ. So my main want right now would be that pack. If anyone has a spare one for trade/sale please let me know. Have a good day everyone.
Sadly the seller didn’t send a Jungle Short Pack and sent a regular long pack from YJ (hopefully I get my money back ). So the hunt continues and I am positive I will find one! Slowly canceling items off the list and need the remaining three PCG era boosters listed and the remaining ADV era booster. Message me if we can work out a deal! Also added some more stuff to my trade list and have some boosters for trade if you’re interested. Have a good day everyone!