Bulbasaur Snap promo

Has the bulbasaur snap card every come up in these forums? i see that 2 have been graded at psa (a 8 and a 9). i know it’s something i will prob never own, but just curious if anyone owns one and what they would be seeking for it :slight_smile:

Pretty sure I saw one (also I think it was linked in the Giant Auction thread) on Yahoo Auctions, but can’t remember when or if it sold ^^’ Maybe someone picked it up, haha :blush: There’s a Chansey up right now Chansey



heh cool looking chansey… love these snap cards :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s been brought up in the snap thread before. One sold on Yahoo last year for about $14k. We know that one is in a chinese collector’s hands and another in the hands of a collector with a near complete snap collection.

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I contacted him. Current offer is 15k :blush:

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awesome. thanks for the research guys. Like i said something i will probably never acquire into my personal bulbasaur collection, but always something to dream about, and who knows some day :slight_smile:

Huh, so beckett has graded a copy

They graded it very recently.