Black Ops 4

Anyone on here play Black Ops 4 on Xbox? Looking for a good Blackout squad.

Gamertag: TrbleTerryTate

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i funkytown i

I definitely play a lot of black out, and other battle royales. Just maxed out my level 80 the other day. They have to create some sort of prestige for black out just like multiplayer. The characters are cool but once you have them all there is really nothing to play for after level 80.

oh, and they need to fix armor. lul
They should make it like H1Z1 where you can use broken armor to create a new set. Black out punishes you for wanting to get kills.

@jdalcour, wow, Im not even close to max yet. I just assumed there was a prestige just like multiplayer. Im sure they’ll have to add it in at some point - or something else to play for at least.

Thats how I feel too, camping in some random building is so boring so I play way to aggressively looking for kills and get wrecked by some camper with level 3 armor. I think i did hear something about them adding armor shards or scraps or whatever into the game at some point so that you can build or repair your armor. Dont remember where I heard it tho or if it was a reliable source.

David Vanderhaar(Game Design Director) said that himself in one of his interviews about the shards. Nothing has been implemented yet but I trust them. I feel like they don’t want to drastically change something without knowing for sure it will work, which i don’t blame them. The game definitely rewards campers vs aggressive players and they know that.