Base Set Quiz

I made a quiz on base set. just enter your name and begin. it’s only 30 questions. thought it would be fun! The pros shouldn’t have any problems :sunglasses:


Your score: 68% (26 points out of 38)

edit; have you included the 2 player starter set deck as a theme deck? because as far as i know there’s only 4 theme decks


I did. Should I not have?

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I haven’t ever considered it a theme deck, would like to hear other opinions

Bulbapedia did which is why I included it

50% i’m a failure at my hobby


Your score: 71% (27 points out of 38)

I think that would be like a D- ouch

Two player theme deck is Base Set 2

Wow I got like 26 ;( im a failure


I’d like to challenge a few questions though.


Wizards of the Coast printed Base Set in a total of 9 languages. English

I count 9 as Media Factory did Japanese.


How many variants did the Base Set Pikachu have? Include all languages & editions. Include Red Cheeks and promos. Exclude misprints and reprints. Exclude jumbos. Must have 58/102 as set number.

Very hard question to answer. I’ll admit I took an educated guess. But what counts as a misprint? is thin stamp a misprint? Also Japanese didn’t have set numbers for them so I didn’t include them as they didn’t have 58/102, is the japanese stock a reprint or a promo? Here’s what I got that could be in the running depending upon interpretation:

1st ed yellow
1st ed red
(thin) yellow?
(thin) red? (does this even exist?)
gray yellow (error doesn’t count)
ghost stamp (error doesn’t count)
shadowless red
shadowless yellow
japanese stock
E3 red
E3 yellow
Japanese (technically doesn’t have 58/102 a requirement)
no rarity (technically doesn’t have 58/102 a requirement)
korean world collection promo
8 other languages x 2 1st ed/unlimited

You tell me how many there count because I have no clue.

For the record I put 4 theme decks, but I didn’t even think of the 2 player one.

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76% (29/38)

For the record, I also didn’t count the 2-player starter set among the theme decks, although I see how that one can go either way.

If I had a vote I’d say the starter isn’t a theme but surely can see the other side.

Can you say that Blackout is a Starter?

30/38 for me.

I got like 62%. The two player starter deck isn’t a theme deck, it’s a starter deck.

6 points for a Pikachu question. Gross. Lol

32/38 definitely a few lucky guesses in there.

Your score: 61% (23 points out of 38)

62% for me. I pretty much guessed at how many variations of pikachus… nobody got time for that lol

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Yeah I challenge this one as well: Wizards of the Coast printed Base Set in a total of 9 languages. True or False. Japanese doesn’t count.

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I’ve reworded a few questions and adjusted some points given out. thanks for the feedback

you guys should suggest some questions. maybe I can turn it into a 100 point quiz.

this is just for shits n gigs btw