Bambino's Collection - Stadium Challenge Deoxys

Hi all,

A couple of days ago @brendantheclayboy tagged many of us in The Index of Elite Fourum Collections, check it out if you haven’t already! This made me realize I haven’t updated my own thread in awhile so I figure I would share one of my recent accomplishments. I’m continuing to downsize my collection and collect binder copies of all of my ex series sets, so I wanted to take one last family photo of some of the key cards from ex Deoxys. The Rayquaza Gold Star is my childhood copy and I had to get the Lati@s to match. I got 2 other copies signed at Dallas regionals in 2020, one with each style that Fukuda was offering. Finally is the Stadium Challenge Deoxys, one of my more recent acquisitions. Absolutely thrilled to add one of the rarest english card variants to my collection and very excited to see what the copy ends for at auction tomorrow night.