Anyone collect Legos?

Oh my god

Amazing collection. Unbelievable. I am extremely envious lol

Those bionicles in the last picture… are those the ones you can combine into 1 big one?

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I’m not sure about the bionicle question. Possibly? I have all of the original Toa and toa nuva.

On HP, I would probably sell if you were interested

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I think they are, check this out:

There are a handful of different big guys you can make with different bionicles




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@DarthEevee amazing collection, gave me such a huge nostalgia rush just to see those sets all in one place.

In other news, Lego and Nintendo announced that there will be a Lego Game Boy set coming in October 2025. I am really looking forward to this.

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No problem lmao. That’s cool!