2023 World & Asia Championships Pikachu Promo

Traditional Chinese (TW/HK), Thai, Indonesian
‘This will be given away for free for players who take part in Gym events in various places between August 1st to August 31st, 2023.’

Distribution set for Fall 2023, to TCG players from Singapore, Malaysia, Phillipines and Hong Kong. It will have the Asia Championships 2023-24 stamp. Further details will be updated to the Trainer’s website.

TPCi distribution for outside Asia will be through Play! Pokémon events in November for the 2024 Pokémon TCG Championship Series, with the Play! logo as its stamp (Bulbapedia)

‘It will be part of a Gift Campaign taking place in Card Gym events in September 2023 and February 2024’

This illustration by Jiro Sasumo is a nod to his first card in the TCG that was also the winner of the 2020 Illustration Grand Prix



Most promos these days have artwork that looks like it could just go in a set, as they often do in English. I like this card because the artwork gives off promo vibes. It feels like a promo card.

Hoping for a Japanese or English release.


My guess is maybe the Japanese variant will come in the worlds deck tin they showed in that livestream. Hopefully a playset? :pray:t4::eyes:



Turns out it’s not in there either :person_shrugging:t3:

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sadge… :sob:

I’m seeing these cards pop up on eBay if people want to snatch them up.

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Want the English copy?

You need to get them from Asia:


When does the ENG copy release? Wiki says it’s out already but I can’t see anyone posting about it.

The 2022-2023 PTCG Asia Championship Series period is September 1, 2022 - August 31, 2023 so 2023-2024 should start after

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This promo finally has a JP release

It will be part of a Gift Campaign taking place in Card Gym events in September 2023 and February 2024


Does anyone have any information on the English release date yet? I’m surprised there have been no listings for it. The Japanese version has been listed on eBay for weeks even though it’s only just coming out. The English version is such a mystery.

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The Pika Fiesta! Campaign site says this:

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Korean version was recently released

Anyone heard any updates about the english variant?

English (updated)
Distribution set for Fall 2023, to TCG players from Singapore, Malaysia, Phillipines and Hong Kong. It will have the Asia Championships 2023-24 stamp. Further details will be updated to the Trainer’s website.

TPCi distribution for outside Asia will be through Play! Pokémon events in November for the 2024 Pokémon TCG Championship Series, with the Play! logo as its stamp (Bulbapedia)

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