1st Edition Base PSA 9 Charizards - Dead end investment?

Hey guys,

I’m trying to complete the holy trinity with a PSA 9 base set 1st ed charizard.

The price point 35-45k - it’s expensive.

My question is:

How many people can truly afford such investment?

The game of musical chairs has to end at some point, right?

I see why the 10s are so valuable. Once acquired, it’s unlikely a wealthy person will let them go.

But the 9?

There are 650 of them currently.

Do you think 10 years from now, there will be 650 people willing to pick one up for $100k+?

To summarize

I’m wondering your opinion - do you think at today’s market price, a psa 9 base set 1st edition charizard is a secure investment?

Thank you for your time, knowledge, and input.


P.S-- I really want the zard for my collection and will probably hold for life.



also, this discussion belongs here:www.elitefourum.com/t/the-giant-english-market-thread/27424/1

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