1999 Pokemon Base Set Uncut Sheet with First Edition



I agree


Only 2 zards - no one wants that.


They could have wiped of that dead silverfish on the Mewtwo on picture 5 though


That’s the fossil variant



Nah hard pass, someone wrote on it and too many duplicates.

So which clown will buy this and then post a tonne of “”""""“square cut”""""" for sale soon after.


My thoughts exactly.

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There was this clown in a Facebook MTG group who got a hold of an uncut MTG foil sheet and was cutting them in My Little Pony characters, disgusting really, let’s hope a lunatic like that doesn’t get a hold of this.

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Genuinely disgusting wish I didn’t see that lmao


So this sheet would more or less indicate that thick stamped cards were first to the printers. With a sign-off of 11/30/98 this sheet predates the thin stamp’d sheet sign-off of 1/3/99 if I remember right. Very cool


people have been cutting up corners of baseball cards for decades, I’m sure someone is eying this and thinking they can get some 1st edition zards out of it with an xacto knife

that said it looks like the surface is pretty fubar on them

Not sure why this didn’t immediately cross my mind, but god reading that made me cringe. :sob:

Cool to see though.

LOL…I wouldn’t worry about this sheet turning into square cuts. I have a feeling this 1st Ed uncut sheet will sell for a higher price than the Illustrator at auction and likely will be the new record price for a publicly sold Pokémon item.

Especially since it’s dated 11-30-1998; definitely one of the oldest examples of English Base Set cards left in existence.

Depends on who potentially wants this more, but im guessing it sells for $850k.

Don’t sell it short. Why not $1,000,000+?

If the right person wants this, I think you could, conservatively, see the most valuable collectible ever sold.


It’s a very cool detail, certainly adds some mojo to it. Not sure how that or the fact that there is a giant slew of Machamps right in the middle is going to influence things, feels like bit of a wild card. Exciting!

Interesting thing to me with this sheet is that I had always assumed stamps were added post production including post cutting. I pictured it being done to single cards, not entire sheets (or parts of sheets as seen here). I guess though I’ve seen entire machamp sheets that were stamped so just seeing it part stamped and part not is interesting to me and makes me think about it all a bit more.

I’d only be interested if it was authenticated and wrapped by BBCE