Yuka Morii signing?


I love the ditto-cards from Ex Delta Species and dreaming of getting a few of them sign by Yuka Morii, does she do signing any more?

I found an olp post on Twitter, from 2019, when she said she had stopped signing, but hope she has begun again.

No word on her beginning again. I’m sure it’d be big news if she did! But currently, she’s not taking autograph requests.


She was in Memphis a few months ago. Anyone know if she did a signing then?

Unfortunately, as far as I’m aware, her temporary suspension on signing Pokémon cards via the mail is still in place. Signature resellers ruining things for everyone. I can’t blame her for not wanting to deal with that stuff.


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She did not sign Pokémon cards or show any of her Pokémon work, as it was not an official Pokémon event.


(I will answer your questions. I will only be displaying my “YOKAI” figures here. I am also unable to sign your Pokémon cards or any printed material related to Pokémon. I am grateful for you understanding and support.!:sparkles:!:sparkles:)


Google Translate:
(The reason why I talk about youkai and not Pokemon is that the Memphis Pokécon is a paid unofficial fan event, and for copyright reasons I can only show my original works. Thank you to all the visitors for their understanding !:sparkles:)


I hope people respected that, and did not jump her with questions about signing then.

If anyone see that she will have a signing, please send me a PM

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Not that it helps the current situation but I’m super happy she was offering the mail at all


Someone needs to invite her stateside to an official pokemon event. Hint hint

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Shame she stopped signing, I think that the people organizing signings these days are doing a great job of mitigating flippers with the personalizations and the rule of not having things signed “To: Ash” for example, but there will always be people who get their cards signed and then immediately sell.

If the artists can’t be okay with doing signings where some people will do this, then nothing will change.

It’s a shame that a few bad apples ruin the experience of getting the original artist to sign YOUR card for YOUR collection.


Yes please someone invite her specifically to the east coast.


Now, if someone could track down Naoyo Kimura…
That would be beyond epic

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But the Netherlands doesn’t have an East Coast … :thinking: