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Woah, obvious point of conflict here. Rather than hash this out publicly in an ugly fashion, as I recognize both of you as people who can work these things out, try to work it out over PM. If you need a mediator, I’m glad to offer my services.

Give the PM attempt a whirl.
If either is refusing to respond or if there is another issue, please take advantage of staff help. I know for a fact @smpratte would be willing to help as well.

No hostility. No one in this thread is making a judgment about the real situation, only the hypothetical situation. Obviously details that weren’t included couldn’t be evaluated. And I think most people here would agree that discussing a higher price, but respecting the original interest and granting some purchasing priority, would be a very respectable course of action for the original seller. So you’re already stepping the right direction toward compromise.

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Again, I just feel it was unprofessional of him to bring this out in the open. He already has others involved and I’ve already asked Scott I know his feelings. No mediation required. I just don’t feel like people should form opinions on a forum when the facts aren’t known. It’s dishonest and disrespectful. Anyone who knows me, knows I don’t do business that way or make my stuff public.

These are fair feelings. I just want to be careful as I think the best shot at a resolution exists somewhere more private.
I’d prefer something be worked out and both parties be at least satisfied, if not happy. If possible, that is.

I’m with the seller.

if the item had no bids or it ended below the reserve price set by the seller, he or she can decide what ever they want to do with the item.

The buyer cannot demand how you go about seller your items, what price you charge. If they don’t like it, tough.

Yeah Monk. But if kept professional I believe this is the perfect forum for this. It can teach us a lot about the selling of collectibles.
And your right, I made this a hypothetical situation not a personal public one. This other person chose to 'come out,:wink:

I seriously don’t see how the seller would have any responsibility to someone who didn’t even purchase the item. They were telling the seller to do exactly what they wanted. That’s a little presumptuous is t it?

My final resolution was for them to contact ebirdman, who they are personally involved with, and if he said I should ship them the card for 119.00 THEN I WOULD DO IT! Pretty impartial and fair isn’t it?
They immediately called ebirdman (yesterday) but said he was busy and I’VE heard nothing since.

I will offer a further resolution. This person can explain the situation to any f the admins here plus Founders Scott or Dan and if even one person says that I should send them the card THEN I WILL-guaranteed. If ANYONE agrees with them just say so here and I will mail it.

Regarding the comment…I said “don’t act like an idiot” and not “you’re an idiot”. Admitedly little difference and yesterday I apologized for it.

Read all the facts

My bad, was working and typing at the same time

You know I already contacted Ed. I can’t help that he was attending to personal affairs & may not want to get involved in this (for which I would not blame him). It is not that you are really posting this as a “hypothetical” scenario as you truly are seeking an opinion as to what you should do. You have already involved Ed, and now you are asking others in a public forum. I already made it clear my feelings about the card and the fact that you don’t know which version it is NOR have you actually made any real attempt to figure out which it is, yet it remains on ebay listed OVER $8,000 - which you claim is valued at $5000. You’ve revised the listing now a number of times - the price and title and know nothing about the card except that it is PSA GRADED and “an EXEGGUTOR promo” most likely the more common version as you indicated on your submission form and “claim” PSA changed on their own when they labeled it. Yet, somehow, it is MY responsibility to you, to do the legwork. I asked AS A RESPONSIBLE BUYER A VALID QUESTION on your listing which then prompted you to research the card I asked about (of which you had NO KNOWLEDGE) and then raise the price without any courtesy or respect or any inkling until I saw the price change the following day. Only reason I even noticed is because I was waiting for a response to the other questions I asked (Topsun, etc). As far as I am concerned, you USED my question as a PROFIT and didn’t bother to answer my questions because you knew what you did. When I emailed you about it, you did refer to me being an idiot and said “you needed to sleep” however it took you several hours the night before to change the price (you certainlu weren’t sleeping). How was I supposed to JUST ASSUME you were going to change the price with NO INDICATION from you. If it were me as the seller, and a buyer pointed it out, I would have at least given the buyer the oppurtunity to purchase the card for the higher amount ONCE I VERIFIED IT WAS THE TMB VERSION before relisting on eBay - not just Jack up the price based on a buyers question. There are tons of graded Exeggutor promos on eBay, I assume EVERY seller will do the same thing if I ask them the same question, right? I guess PSA just makes the error everytime and all of the Exeggutor promos are that rare. I mean, really???

I just want to point out, that I am not the one who brought this to the forum. And his purpose is NOT hypothetical as he alhas been trying to bring other people into this since yesterday. I sm a VERY private collector and this is HIGHLY offensive.


I am watching. I recognize what it is right now. You didn’t bring it to the forum, but only an extremely select few knew it involved you until you posted. And I think that it needs to be handled after a breather. So I’m going to lock the thread for the night.

There are good questions being raised. Gary has no obligation to the sale, even if it would be the right thing to do. You ought to have priority at it. Either way, if the card can’t be confirmed currently as to what it is, it shouldn’t be listed at all. That needs to be settled first. Until we know what the card is, there’s definitely no reason to get into a huge racket over it.

So I suggest we do these things:

  1. Take the night off.
  2. Figure out what the card actually is.
  3. Come back with the issues sorted out based on what they actually are. When all issues get lumped together, it becomes confusing and emotional. It’s better to try and remain as objective as possible here.

I respect both parties and I understand entirely why there would be a feeling of personal offense. Especially given your preferred private nature. If either of you needs to say more tonight, my inbox is open.

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