WTB XY Primal Clash Full Art Ungraded/PSA Cards

Hi All,

I am looking for the following full art cards in mint condition. I would like to grade these so I would prefer 9/10 candidates. I expect and am willing to pay premiums for these cards, which are built into the prices. I feel my prices are fair but if you have really mint cards then I am open to negotiation.

Primal Groudon EX - $20
Kyogre EX - $15
Groudon EX - $15
Camerupt EX - $10
Trevenant EX - $10
Sharpedo EX - $8
Aggron EX - $8
Gardevoir EX - $15
M Gardevoir EX - $15

If you have PSA 10s of these cards I would also be interested in those. Prices vary but I would be going off of sold listings which are $30-40 for the lesser cards and $50+ for the more popular ones. I will pay $90 for a PSA 10 Primal Groudon.

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