Hey all, looking for a shadowless charizard ungraded in near mint to mint condition, Have 300$ on me right now don’t know if thats too low but if its too low I also have some PSA slabs for trade.
Too low:/
Just wondering what this post adds to the discussion? If you’re going to post in someone’s buy thread the least you can do is back up your claims with some sold listings or even a general price range.
PSA 7 “Near Mint” Shadowless Zards typically go for around $280-$340, however, PSA’s “Near Mint” is not what I’d consider to be “Near Mint” as a collector. I’ve had a few 7s in my possession and they all seem to have some excessive whitening or holo scratching.
If you want something better than PSA 7 quality, you’ll probably have to bump up your offer.
I sold a psa 6 last week for $300. I think I got a better copy off pwcc for 250 that ended up grading a 7. $250ish is gonna land a psa6 looking raw and $300 might get you something that would grade around psa7 which is technically near mint.
The trouble with buying/selling raw cards is that the “near mint to mint” part is completely objective. The buyer and seller are likely to have two different ideas on that. I can dig through some raws and see if I have something that I feel would grade 6-7ish if that’s what you mean by NM. Any reason why you want raw rather than graded?
My apologies fourthstartcg. It was an emotional response because I paid $600 for my NM shadowless and assumed his offer was a result of a dramatic shift in the value of NM shadowless to 50% of that value.
No worries man. I probably was a bit harsh as well.
I want to go through the grading process myself! May I pm you, im interested in buying LP shadowless zards as well