WTB Parent-Child Kangaskhan, Unikarp, Tropical Wind, more!!!

Focusing on the following cards in the grades listed. Payment will be via PayPal G&S I’ll happily cover fees.

Prices are all negotiable.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Trophy Kangaskhan: $15k + depending on condition. Ideally would be seeking a raw/auth/lower grade copy as I know they’re in demand right now.

**1999 Tropical Wind   PSA 10: $25,000**             **PSA 9:  $13,500**  

University Magikarp PSA 10: $25,000
PSA 9: $13,500

**TMB Lucky Stadium PSA 10: $25,000**  

Victory Ring Pikachu PSA 10: $10,000

Also looking at other **1997-2002 trophies and high-end prize cards in the $15k - $25k** range. Feel free to message me.

Omg it’s the beebs


Prices seem way off

Just kidding

(Is it too late now to say sorry?)


Cause he’s missing more than just your (poke)body?

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Ok… is that actually the biebs…


For the record, I don’t believe there are any PSA 10 examples of the TMB Exeggutor. Most of what you see in the pop report are mislabels. There is 1 PSA 8, 1 PSA 4, and a PSA 6 which was cracked out of its case.




An extra mint copy of the 9th lucky stadium will be auction late april if youre willing to grade one.

Thank you, I knew mislabels were a problem but I didn’t know they were quite this rampant. Much appreciated.

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Thanks for the juicy tidbit. On which site will it be auctioned?

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Heritage auctions.

I should mention its an extra copy that is mint.

Little suspect that someone is auctioning off a “mint” copy of such a high caliber card without grading it .


I knew Justin would wipe out all thropy cards some day. Big fan here, keep it up Biebs!


Bump - increased prices.

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Another bump - prices increased once again!

I’m not sure where other people are and I’m not selling, but I wouldn’t consider anything less than 40k for my tropical wind/ uni karp/ 9th stadium. Take the information and do what you want with it. I’m not responding back to this tread as past experiences tell me that most people that respond to me aren’t mature enough to get a response back.

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Someone managed to get a PSA 10 unikarp for 20k not long ago


Let’s try again! :sunglasses:

Sending you a message right meow