Hi E4,
This thread will house all cards that I am actively looking to purchase to help complete my master sets for the original ex series era. I am still working through my collection and sorting, so this list will be constantly updated but its initial version will contain more high-priority cards. Prices reflect what I deem to be a fair market value, but if you have some of these cards and disagree with my pricing please message me and we can negotiate.
I am only looking for near mint to mint cards. There are very few circumstances in which this is not the case. To me, this condition means very minor holo scratching with very minimal edgewear. The surface should be in near flawless condition. I will likely ask for pictures to prove this is the case.
As a final note, cards with increased font size are of a greater importance due to their scarcity. If you have any of these cards, please message me.
Wants List:
Black Star Promos:
001 Kyogre [Non-Holo, Non-Barcode, Scandanavian Release?] @ $150
002 Groudon [Non-Holo, Non-Barcode, Scandanavian Release?] @ $150
006 Torchic @ $60
035 Pikachu [Non-Holo] @ $50
ex Ruby & Sapphire:
Foreign Theme Decks [French/Italian/Dutch]
104/109 Grass Energy [w/out e-Reader Logo, ©2003]
105/109 Fighting Energy [w/out e-Reader Logo, ©2003]
106/109 Water Energy [w/out e-Reader Logo, ©2003]
107/109 Psychic Energy [w/out e-Reader Logo, ©2003]
108/109 Fire Energy [w/out e-Reader Logo, ©2003]
109/109 Lightning Energy [w/out e-Reader Logo, ©2003]
104/109 Grass Energy [Reverse Holo; w/out e-Reader Logo, ©2003]
105/109 Fighting Energy [Reverse Holo; w/out e-Reader Logo, ©2003]
106/109 Water Energy [Reverse Holo; w/out e-Reader Logo, ©2003]
107/109 Psychic Energy [Reverse Holo; w/out e-Reader Logo, ©2003]
108/109 Fire Energy [Reverse Holo; w/out e-Reader Logo, ©2003]
109/109 Lightning Energy [Reverse Holo; w/out e-Reader Logo, ©2003]
ex Battle Stadium/Master Trainer Decks
80/109 Energy Removal 2 [w/out e-Reader Logo, ©2004] @ $.50
83/109 Lady Outing [w/out e-Reader Logo, ©2004] @ $.50
88/109 PokeNav [w/out e-Reader Logo, ©2004] @ $.50
91/109 Potion [w/out e-Reader Logo, ©2004] @ $.50
92/109 Switch [w/out e-Reader Logo, ©2004] @ $.50
93/109 Darkness Energy [w/out e-Reader Logo, ©2004] @ $.50
94/109 Metal Energy [w/out e-Reader Logo, ©2004] @ $.50
104/109 Grass Energy [w/out e-Reader Logo, ©2004] @ $.50
109/109 Lightning Energy [w/out e-Reader Logo, ©2004] @ $.50
ex Deoxys & ex Emerald Theme Decks
90/109 Energy Search [w/out e-Reader Logo, ©2005] @ $.50
104/109 Grass Energy [w/out e-Reader Logo, ©2005] @ $.50
105/109 Fighting Energy [w/out e-Reader Logo, ©2005] @ $.50
106/109 Water Energy [w/out e-Reader Logo, ©2005] @ $.50
107/109 Psychic Energy [w/out e-Reader Logo, ©2005] @ $.50
108/109 Fire Energy [w/out e-Reader Logo, ©2005] @ $.50
109/109 Lightning Energy [w/out e-Reader Logo, ©2005] @ $.50
ex Sandstorm:
7/100 Ludicolo Holo @ $4
10/100 Sableye Holo @ $4
11/100 Seviper Holo @ $4
98/100 Raichu EX @ $12
ex Dragon:
6/97 Grumpig @ $4
7/97 Minun @ $4
11/97 Shedinja @ $4
100/97 Charizard @ $45
88/97 TV Reporter (Reverse) @ ~$100
19/97 Salamence [WINNER Stamped; Holo; e-League; May 2004] @ $5
98/97 Charmander [City Championships Promo; 2003-2004] @ $10
99/97 Charmeleon [State Championships Promo; 2003-2004] @ $15
100/97 Charizard [National Championships Promo; 2003-2004] @ $70
ex Team Magma vs Team Aqua:
89/95 Blaziken ex @ $15
96/95 Absol @ $10
Complete Reverse Holo Set: 1-88 @ $200
ex Hidden Legends:
1/101 Banette @ $3
2/101 Claydol @ $3
12/101 Milotic (Reverse) @ $3
14/101 Shiftry (Reverse) @ $3
57/101 Chinchou (Reverse) @ $2
60/101 Doduo (Reverse) @ $2
76/101 Surskit (Reverse) @ $2
84/101 Ancient Technical Machine Ice (Reverse) @ $2
9/101 Machamp [National Championships Promo; 2004-2005] @ $10
9/101 Machamp [STAFF Stamped; National Championships Promo; 2004-2005] @ $30
29/101 Beldum [Gym Challenge Promo; 2003-2004] @ $8
41/101 Machoke [State Championships Promo; 2004-2005] @ $10
ex FireRed & LeafGreen:
Articuno ex, Zapdos ex, and Moltres ex shard holo errors - I am interested in any condition that you have. Beat copies I will pay $10 for ranging up to $70 for a NM copy. $100 for a PSA 9 or $180 for a PSA 10
All reverse holos in any quantity. $3 for rares, $2 for uncommons, $1 for commons.
ex Delta Species:
66/113 Dratini [Non-Holo; “ex Delta Species” Stamped; Donald Duck Scandinavia] @ $30
73/113 Larvitar [Non-Holo; “ex Delta Species” Stamped; Donald Duck Scandinavia] @ $30
Complete Reverse Holo Set: 1-107 @ $200
ex Legend Maker:
64/92 Skitty [Kraze Club Stamped; MONTH/YEAR] @ $25