WTB Grimer & Muk non tcg, errors etc


Revived this thread, sell me your slime!

Bump! Trying to find time to add also the japanese tcg grimers i’m missing, only 3 of those left!

Bump! Added few things!

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Bump! Again will add another thing when i have some time!

Bump! Haven’t had that time to add stuff, hopefully later :new_moon_with_face:

Just out of curiosity what is the purpose of the specific code for the grimer and muk?

As far as i know the purpose is unkwown, at least i haven’t heard of any real reasons or theories why they exist

(Also, one day i’ll have enough time to update the list of stuff i’m looking for)

Now i would actually have some time to add the stuff i wanted but avast is blocking me of doing it, would laugh for the irony of my time usage if i wasn’t so annoyed with avast

Still can’t edit the post properly but bump anyway


Desperate bump in between work and sleep!

Even more desperate bump!

Bump, desperation intensifies

Desperate bump but in new forum!

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Bumping till the end of times!

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Still desperate, still bumping!

Bump! Down to one big card, doubled the price offer for it which would be almost double what i’ve ever paid for single cards but hoping to get this finally done! Also removed already gotten ones and upped some other prices too

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It’s annoying but might need to cold message some Topps collectors on instagram/eBay. I was looking for a tekno forever until I randomly messaged a big eBay seller and indeed they had one unlisted copy.

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I 2nd this action! I was looking for a very hard to find card in a language that is rarely listed, so I searched “Pokémon (language)” and messaged every eBay seller that was located in that country asking if they have or could find that card. One person replied and said they found it for sale locally and middle manned it for me. Most of the others kindly replied “thanks for reaching out, I don’t have that card, sorry.”

It may seem like you are bothering a bunch of people, but really it’s just 1 message to each person, it’s not hitting the same person multiple times.

Try searching Topps Pokémon and find someone with a ton listed, and reach out,