WTB a handful of English set cards/low end promos

Hi all. Looking to buy a few odds and ends to fill some holes in certain subsets of my collection. I live in the United States and would prefer to buy domestically if possible. Accompanying each card is the condition I’m seeking and an approximation of what I’m looking to pay. Not looking for slabs at the moment; raws only. I’m a little flexible on prices for some things, so let me know if what I’m offering is a tad too low. I’ve generally based these prices off eBay sold listings, but they’re all over the place.

I will not be grading any of these, so minor imperfections are not an issue. No creases, bends, dents, or very heavy scratching, though.


Rayquaza CoL SL10: VLP to NM, looking to pay ~$100 depending on condition

Ho-Oh CoL SL5: VLP to NM, looking to pay ~$100 depending on condition

Hitmonchan (WINNER stamped promo): NM, looking to pay ~$25

Rocket’s Hitmonchan (WINNER stamped promo): NM, looking to pay ~$50

Armaldo (Sandstorm prerelease promo): NM, looking to pay ~$60

Cacturne (Power Keepers prerelease promo): NM, looking to pay ~$10

Team Aqua’s Crawdaunt (TMvTA 2): NM, looking to pay ~$15

Team Aqua’s Sharpedo (TMvTA 5): NM, looking to pay ~$15

Team Magma’s Houndoom (TMvTA 10): NM, looking to pay ~$20

Team Magma’s Rhydon (TMvTA 11): NM, looking to pay ~$15

Regirock ex (Hidden Legends): VLP to NM, looking to pay ~$30 depending on condition

Dragonite ex d (Dragon Frontiers): VLP to NM, looking to pay ~$45 depending on condition

Tyranitar ex d (Dragon Frontiers): VLP to NM, looking to pay ~$40 depending on condition

Salamence ex d (Dragon Frontiers): VLP to NM, looking to pay ~$40 depending on condition

Latios ex d (Dragon Frontiers): VLP to NM, looking to pay ~$35 depending on condition

Rayquaza C (Supreme Victors; NON Lv.X): NM+ to M, looking to pay ~$15

Tree of Beginning’s Mew (10th Movie): NM, looking to pay ~$30

Explosive Birth Lugia (10th Movie): NM, looking to pay ~$30

Kindly drop me a message or comment here if you have any of this stuff raw that you might be interested in unloading. Thank you!

Sent you a pm.
