Updated 9/29/2020: Trying to get a full psa 9 1st ed base set collection, willing to pay most recent sales prices! New PSA case is preferred but not a deal breaker
I am currently looking for shipped with Paypal Goods and Services (in no particular order):
Alakazam $2.2k
Chansey $2k
Clefairy $2k
Gyarados $2.4k
Hitmonchan $1.7k
Machamp(Shadowless Obviously) $420
Magneton $930
Mewtwo $2.6k
Nidoking $1.4k
Ninetales $2k
Poliwrath $1k (Not a lot of sales data?)
Raichu $2.3k
Venusaur $4.5k
Zapdos $1.8k
Would you be interested in trading your fan club Eevee for my PSA 10 crystal Charizard? I’m ok with using a middleman as well if that’s what you prefer.