WTB - 1st Edition Base Set PSA 9's

Updated 9/29/2020: Trying to get a full psa 9 1st ed base set collection, willing to pay most recent sales prices! New PSA case is preferred but not a deal breaker

I am currently looking for shipped with Paypal Goods and Services (in no particular order):
Alakazam $2.2k
Chansey $2k
Clefairy $2k
Gyarados $2.4k
Hitmonchan $1.7k
Machamp(Shadowless Obviously) $420
Magneton $930
Mewtwo $2.6k
Nidoking $1.4k
Ninetales $2k
Poliwrath $1k (Not a lot of sales data?)
Raichu $2.3k
Venusaur $4.5k
Zapdos $1.8k

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Will prefer using middle man btw!

UPDATED, Definitely looking to get rid of one of my fan club eevee’s

Would you be interested in trading your fan club Eevee for my PSA 10 crystal Charizard? I’m ok with using a middleman as well if that’s what you prefer.


I have a Shadowless Charizard PSA 9 I’m actively selling. I value it around 1550 and you said 1600. So we are in the same ball park.

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Messaged you, Yes!

What are you interested in from me? DM me.

Also, I am looking for the new staff zard if anyone has one!

Also interested in fan club eevee, have a PSA 10 Crystal Charizard (holo) or a PSA 8 Shadowless Charizard


I have the 1st edition Team Rocket booster box for $1650

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Perfect. Will text you about it since I have your number lol.

Now buying 1st Ed Base holos

If i’m missing the mark on a price you’re looking for please let me know. I’m paying last sold on ebay and letting you keep the 10% ebay fee!

I have two of these but my asking prices are slightly different. I will PM you!

@degreen11,The chansey definitely needs a bump. I think last one sold just under 2k and 1.5k before that.

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Heard! I guess I was looking at an older one. Will up to 2k

Your Hitmonchan price definitely needs an update as well. Last I checked that was the lowest pop card for PSA 9 1st ed Base.

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Last sold for $1700 which i just updated to. More than happy to work with people on prices if I’m missing the mark on any others.

To be clear, i’m not looking to get a steal or even a deal just looking to purchase them at a fair market value so I can hold them long term!

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Zapdos and Poliwrath are purchased. Still need some more!