WOTC Proposed Trade

Hi All,

Just wanted some opinions on the forum. I was offered a PSA 10 Lt Surges Raichu for my PSA 9 Shadowless Yellow Cheeks Pikachu, PSA 7 Shadowless Nidoking, PSA 9 Giovanni’s Nidoking, and PSA 9 Dark Venusaur (promo). Would you think that is a fair trade? Any help is always appreciated.

I would recommend using 130point.com to check the comps and then decide if the trade aligns with your goals. Sometimes it’s OK to overtrade if you will be happier with the new card for your collection. If it’s all about money, then double check those numbers.


Thank you!

Hard no for me


IMO I think it’s too one sided for the other person. No Deal for me

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Thank you!

Thank you! I was thinking the same but wanted to get some opinions.

@Cj1552 In the “teach a man to fish” mindset, you really should learn to use some tools like @Dyl said here. Sometimes it is fine to over trade if it’s for your goals, but also… learn the numbers.


Thank you!