WOTC Black Star Promo Set

So either this is crazy cheap now (especially considering Lucky Stadium and Pokemon Center are worth almost that amount), or I massively overpaid a couple of months back when buying individually. What seems to have happened here?

£340 buy it now :neutral_face:


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I’d say snag this deal immediately; OR be very careful as these may be fraudulent cards… Lol. Best advice I can give. Cause WOW! Someone doesn’t know their pricing…

Nice find! Wish I had a job right now, I’d swoop that up in a hurry, even though I basically have 3~4 of all these cards anyway lol. All in NM condition (=

Oooo that is tempting! I’ve been sporadically working on my WoTC Black Star Binder Set, and this would save a lot of time.

The card set looks legit. But read the ad. It says most cards are NM. Meaning used condition. That could explain the price.

This is a great price. I’d buy it if the seller was UK based. I need those Lucky Stadium and Pokemon Center cards to complete my set…

Fun story: I started collecting this set when I first got into “serious” collecting around 8 years ago. It’s probably my overall favourite set. Back then I was in a job I hated that paid terribly. I’d treat myself to a card from this set here and there off of eBay. There’s a seller who had massive amounts of stock of these promos and I’d buy singles from him when I could afford them. I remember seeing he had a complete set listing up one day… for £150. Back then spending £150 on a set of Pokemon cards was way beyond my reach and seemed an extravagance.

Through the years I watched Pokemon Center 40/53 and Lucky Stadium 41/53 rise in value until today, where they sell for upwards of £150 each…


Considering the price of Pokemon Center and Lucky stadium cards this a pretty sweet deal. NM doesn’t mean used, it means NM. Expect PSA 6 quality or better. If they aren’t simply send them back

The customs is £100, which still makes it a great deal, but if you’re in the US that’s an absolute killing lol.

I am tempted to buy this and sell off my PSA10 Lucky Stadium and PSA10 Pokemon Center and keep the binder versions instead, then sell the rest!

They do pop up every couple of weeks in that price range still in the US. I was able to grab this one for $425 mid December


It had a lot of extras in there and the 40/41 was sealed. That had a Buy Now of $499.99 but sat for a little while before the seller accepted my offer of $425.


Now THAT is a good deal!!!

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Don’t send them back. Just relist them accurately. Returning stuff, unless it’s blatant, hurts the hobby.


Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd it’s sold, anyone get it?

that was really fast lol

If I bought a set but 1 or 2 cards fell below the described grade I wouldn’t be in a huff. Everyone takes a gamble when purchasing raw cards. It’s all good. But if I shell out good money for a set that’s listed NM or mint or whatever the grade may be, and a good majority of the cards fall below the listed condition then I’m definitely returning them. Why should I waste my time reselling cards and eating ebay fees and shipping costs?

Abusing ebays return policy does hurt the hobby. Using it appropriately doesn’t.

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Thats not bad at all! Similarly, I found an auction about a month ago where someone was auctioning a bunch of promos to liquidate their collection and inside were 2 Pokemon Center #40 in fantastic condition. Both were real and I ended up winning the lot for $160usd which was a complete steal. I sent them both off to PSA this past Monday and Im expecting to see at least 9s with them (possible 10 for one) and now all I need is the Lucky Stadium! If I saw this I would have went in haha

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I’m so glad someone bought it because if it wasn’t sold by Friday I’m not sure my self control would have let me pass it up any longer.


Hey all! Seller here! If one of you here is the buyer, I think you’ll be very happy condition-wise. Solid NM set. :blush:

Right now I’m selling off lots of things I never thought I’d part with. Would love to purchase another WOTC booster box later this year!


Hiya, first time poster here, and the buyer of your binder. I’ve been reading this forum over the past week and came across this thread. Immediately bought your binder as I’m in the market for a complete Black Star promo collection. Great to know that the set is in NM condition - looking forward to receive it!


@eluwyn, Awesome to hear! Thank you so much! :blush:

Are you working on a graded or ungraded set?

Ungraded, just a binder set.

I will buy them both eventually, a big part of me begrudges buying them because they’re trainer cards with artwork that doesn’t interest me. I also hate myself for not buying them when they were much cheaper, lol.