"Why isn't there more love for this card!?"-thread

This thread is where you can post pictures of underloved cards. Preferably underappreciated promo’s or super rares, but whatever card deserve more attention will suffice.

i love these mewtwo twin cards. Best mewtwo art ever. Smerk on his face, cartoon like art, staying true to the original art. I love m

give some love to these two



I’d appreciate them more if they weren’t the 11th/12th Mewtwo EX in the span of three months. :stuck_out_tongue:

My vote goes to the Southern Islands promo set. It’s not exactly rare, but probably one of the least well-known sets from the WotC era; I certainly didn’t know about them till I started collecting again.


Easiest ones to mention (few exceptions with these) but because of their Evolutions they get less general attention : Charmander, Charmeleon ,Squirtle Wartortle , Bulbsaur & Ivysaur

More fitting to me because Charmeleon was my first ever pokemon card when I originally started collecting back as a kid

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@aj1 I will say that it is some amazing art, but I love the extended sheet art from the VS series more than any Mewtwo card that has ever existed. I imagine it’s taken from the Rocket lab and it just looks badass like it’s about to have fun exploding stuff with it’s mind.

For me, I think these are the MAXIMUM amount of nostalgic hype for me. I remember as a kid when these cards first came out in Japanese. They created so much hype for “Pikablu” and the start of a new generation. I love this set.

As for me. One of my favorite cards it Team Rocket’s Hypno. The holo is amazing in the graphics and I honestly think it’s one of the most well-done holo cards of it’s time. I don’t think it gets enough credit. I could care less about the Pokemon but it was really hard for me to sell this years ago because I always really liked the art:


I’m with both of you guys on this one!

The two Mewtwo cards are epic, with some quality artwork!

And the Southern Island cards are indeed very underrated, yet gorgeous to look at. The whole concept of that set, based on an island of wild and rare Pokemon is just awesome!

While these aren’t exactly unpopular cards, I feel that the Lottery Sweepstakes Charizard, Blastoise and Venusaur deserve a little more attention. Purely due to how few of them were printed!


I feel like the advent calendar promotional cards deserve some more love and attention. Especially the pikachu with the holofoil and golden snowflake.

Besides that I also think the Pokemon Day promo’s deserve some more attention. Like this awesome pikachu!


I couldn’t agree more! I had the same experience as well with the southern island sets. I remember my brother and I would go to the local Toysrus on the weekend, and saw a maril (pikablu) for the first time. No one knew about the neo set yet, and the Southern Island set was most people’s first exposure. Some kid bought it at a card shop, and my brother traded 3 holo’s for the card.

When I got back into collecting, the Southern Island set was my first purchase. The artwork is absolutely phenomenal. I remember people losing their shit over how other pokemon were in the background, and that the cards combined to make one larger illustration.

I personally prefer the Japanese set over the English, as I feel the holo pattern works better with the illustrations. Regardless, considering the price and artwork, it is one of the best sets, and somehow one of the most underrated.


Wow those are some amazing stories. It must’ve just taken a backseat in my memory then cause it had me scratching my head when I discovered it because I had no idea when it was released. While the Japanese release was between Gym 2 and Neo 1 (making it a proper transition set between Generation 1 and 2), the English release didn’t happen until after Neo Discovery/before Neo Revelation, by which point I guess it was overshadowed by all the Neo era cards.

The connecting artwork is definitely the main appeal though; this was the start of that trend and I feel like every time it’s done, the illustrations end up consistently being some of the best that the TCG has to offer. I got this Imgur album full of them saved to my bookmarks for the occasional viewing: imgur.com/a/GRK8c :blush:

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I’ve always wondered why the Japanese Corocoro comics set didn’t get more love.
They are mostly from the 90s and 2000 so there’s some great collectible age…from the golden era of Japanese Pocket Monsters.
They weren’t automatic 10s like most Jpn cards cause many had to be pealed off sheets (unless you knew the secret;) and were inserted in thick comic books that were played with and read.
Their glossy finish was unique for the time.
It was a fun filled 50+ card set.


The CoroCoro promos were amazing if only for the fact that most of them weren’t available in English. Funny that you chose the Unown R as the example too as that is also the only Unown letter to not get an English release in the WotC era (All the other letters are spread out between Neo Discovery to Neo Destiny with the exception of J, which is a Black Star Promo). I have fond memories of little me trying to collect the cards to spell out my name with Unowns… it’s quite hardbreaking knowing now that I would’ve never succeeded. :rofl: (My first name is Raymond, or Ray for short)

I now own two copies of the card for good measure; one placed at the end of my Neo sets to complete the alphabet and the other with the rest of my Japanese only old school promos.

Also, what’s this secret promo peeling method?! Do share please. :blush:

@smpratte and @areestee, I’ve been very fortunate in my childhood as when Yugioh, Pokemon, and even Digimon were big, there were convenient stores and comic book stores that were notorious for selling Japanese packs. Gym Leaders I was introduced to in Japanese first as well as the Team Rocket set. They always had a special flare about them as they weren’t the traditional Pokemon cards and felt much older and more unique than English sets. When Southern Islands released, it sent my entire middle school abuzz. We created extreme theories, looked for the nearest Pojo magazine to tell us what to believe, and Pikablu was the highlight of it all. When Scizor first was released, my friends, sister, and I went nuts. It was during that time that I think Pokemon was at the height of nostalgia for me, with the beginning Neo set coming in second place. I didn’t open many Base sets as I couldn’t afford them with my allowance until the year after the release. But I digress, because I could talk forever about those times.

@garyis2000 , what’s the secret to getting them off the sheets?

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I never showed much love for old school ex’s until this forum. But I have noticed a lack of graded Regular Holo cards. Some of them are clearly going to be wanted later in the future.

Some of my favorites:


Great story.
This was the first Coro I came to in my eBay store. Turns out it’s the only 10 in the world.

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PM me for peeling info cause I have to include a disclaimer.

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That Wailord and Gengar are fucking great!

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Oh my god, the old school EX’s. Yes! They are droolworthy! I desperately wish they would make another Snorlax EX ._______.

A new Snorlax EX would be great.

That set is amazing! To me, that set represents everything awesome about TCG. Great art, fun themes, special binder etc. love 'm

yet these mewtwo cards are the best exes ever, imo

Have you seen the bulbasaur and squirtle deck cards!? Those are awesome! Or the Meiji Japanese promos

On top of that, your avatar is awesome!

btw: Sid’s blastoise could also get some more love