Which trophy would you choose

Unikarp because it is prettier. :+1:

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Why not both


I gotta ask whatโ€™s the price of both these babies ?

I picked Unikarp because Magikarp is one of my favorite Pokemon. Iโ€™m very pleased to have a psa 10 budget karp in my collection although I would be super excited to own the original as I see them as two completely different cards that share the same artwork.

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Ranges based on the grade but I think lowest grades start at $5-7k and go to around $50k or more for the 10s


I am lucky enough to own both and while both are great cards I would 100% choose tropical wind over unikarp just for artwork alone. The colours, the design, how relaxing and fun this scene is with Psyduck in the hammock!


60/40 in favour of the wind, thanks everyone who voted. Thankfully Iโ€™ve just secured a copy of one of these. Hopefully one day ill own both