Welcome to Elite Fourum Thread

Hi everyone!
My name is Louis and I’m based in London, United Kingdom.
As a child I played Yugioh competitively, in tournaments both abroad and in the UK, however when it came to collecting, my true passion was Pokémon.
I recently discovered my old collections of both cards, and nostalgia kicked in to the max.
Although finding the old Yugioh cards was cool, it didn’t quite compare to my Pokémon collection (featuring 100 1st gen EX’s, such as fire red/leaf green charizard EX (x2!) and a 1st Edition Shadowless Ninetales)
Since then I’ve been adding to my collection with some really cool individual purchases, however the most fun part has been buying people’s old collections and trying to discover gems.
I’ve created a thread where I’ll document this, and may also create a Youtube channel soon: